chapter 5

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Babe's POV

a week has passed and i still haven't called Kenzie, Trip or hudson. of course i'm missing them but after storming out of game shakers, there's no way i can bring my self to call them

"babe what's up?" Piper turned her face from her phone

"nothing just thinking 'bout the game shakers" i sighed

"are you missing them?" she asked dropping her phone

"yeah a lot, mostly Kenzie" i said as i buried my face in her shoulder crying

"it's okay" she hugged me "if you miss them so much, why don't you just call? after all we do have unlimited wifi"

"yeah but after storming out of the game shakers, i don't think anyone would want to talk to me" i sniffed

"oh don't say that" she said bringing me a tissue

"but it's true" i said as she cleaned the tears that dropped down from my eyes

"but it's not" Piper smiled "if  you think so, why don't you write a letter or something"

"yeah but i don't think letters go from Swellview to New-York, that's like 5 good ours of flying not to talk about driving" i said throwing the tissue away

"that's true but i heard my mum saying she was going to New-York on Wednesday" Piper smiled like a light bulb lit in her head

"so do you think she'll take it?" i asked

"yeah, she will" piper smiled

"thanks piper" i hugged her "for everything

"what are friends for?" she asked 

"i guess for keeping company" i smiled and she laughed

she picked her phone up and squealed

"Oh My God!" she smiled "what happened?"

"Jack Black is coming to Swellview" she screamed

"who is Jack Black?" i squinted

"only the most handsome, best singer in the whole of America!" she said jumping up and down

"when is he coming to town?" i smiled

"as stated here, on the 5th of April, Thursday at Manchester hotel" piper sounded a little down at the end

"what happened?" i asked

"Manchester hotel is half way across Swellview, there's no way i'll get there in time" she sat down

"we can!" i smiled

"i know, we just have to wake up early" she said gloomily

"no, Jewel's house is really close to Manchester hotel right?" i asked

"yeah, beside Manchester hotel"

"so we can sleep over there tomorrow night and then on Thursday, get our things and save front row seats before heading to school!" she smiled

"how didn't i think of that?!" she squealed "awesome"

"operation meet Jack Black is a go!" she danced one more time before going back to her bean bag

hey guys! sorry this came late, i've been quite busy but don't worry i'll try and update sooner

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