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It was a cold stormy night, I was working on something on my computer when I decided to finally take my headphones off and take a break. I made some coffee and I stood next to my window watching the dim street lights flicker under the heavy rain and the streets beeing washed off. And then thunder stroke.

The noise was too loud, I can see the lightning in the horizon and I wondered. Was it this loud when I was found ? Was it this loud when I was born ?

Why would anyone leave a few days old baby at someone's door step on a night like this ? They could have just killed me instead of letting me suffer in the cold, did they have any mercy ? Or maybe they had no choice ?

I often get these questions, think about whether they really wanted to give me a better life when they left me or they wanted to get rid of me, on a night like this.

And there was thunder again. And again. Not once, not twice, not thrice ... four, five, six.

I counted.

Six loud thunder noises descending ever so quick, so consecutive. My heart jumped for some time. I never knew that thunder could be this agressive. Six of them at the same time ? It scared me nonetheless so I backed off my window and closed the curtains and went back to my desk, I had a deadline to meet.

As the night got deeper, there was more thunder and it seemed to get closer. I ended up sleeping with the covers on top of my head clutching tightly into them. If I didn't know better I would say that it felt like war and not a strom outside.

The next morning was so bright, I peaked from behind my closed curtains and the sunshine hit my face. What happened to the storm ? I wondered before pouting "Global warming" I thought.

I put on some jeans and a pastel pink hoodie ... reminding me of cotton candy, even though it looked bright outside, the morning breez was freezing, I put on my white scarf and my small black bag and headed outside ... groceries.

I usually don't go out much, I keep my door locked at all times and myself isolated ... no personal contacts, no drama no fear no stress. I walked down the streets and it was almost empty. Too early for any rush movements. I was walking my way through the narrow alleys of my neighbourhood. Told you it was shady, but I liked it nevertheless I know this area like the back of hand and I never felt intimidated walking here until I felt like I was being followed.

I looked behind me ... nothing, so I started walking again. Then I stopped, turned back, I swear I could hear some shuffles but there was nothing. I continued walking stepping on my feet walking faster this time and out of nowhere, he appeared right in front of me.

I gasped and took a step back, eyes wide open and heart skipped a beat. I stared at his face.

Tall, pale skin, a scar on his cheek, blood dripping to his jaw.

I was horrified, scared, the image in front of me gave me chillls, I wanted to scream and escape, his face and state still hunt my imagination up until this day.

He took a step towards me and I took a step back, he reached his hand out to me and I moved away, he shifted his eyes to look behind me, something in his gestures suggested that someone or something else was behind me, he just reached out to me to ... help me ?

He looked different, his eyes turned ... grey ?

His clothes ... red velvet with golden embroidery

Wait ... I have seen this one before

It all happened in slow motion, like time suddenly has stopped and before I could even realise what was happening behind me I heard a loud scream. But it wasn't me. I only had the time to glance behind myself before the strange guy in front of me reached out to me again, he held my hand and dragged me behind him standing in front of me, shielding me from whatever was behind me.

I froze, what was going on ?

I glanced

They stood like an army ... six of them

The one who reached out to me being the closest one, the others had the same outfit on. Red velvet, this colour triggered me.

I took all my steps back until I reached the wall, there was nowhere else to go. I watched as they grabbed their swords out of thin air, they just reached for them, behind their backs or close to their sides and just like that, they appeared. Swords.

I was about to pass out, who were they fighting ? Or what ?

I couldn't see from where I was standing, or maybe I didn't want to ... I don't remember but I've seen it turn into dust. The moment they made contact with their swords. They fell like ashes and disappeared as the breez took them away.

I slid down to the floor, my scarf falling to the side. What did I just see ? What did I just witnessed ?

A battle ?

A prank ?

Then he turned around, the one who pushed me behind. He walked closer ever so confident. He fell on one knee facing my shocked face. Blood still stained on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked

I didn't know what to say, I looked up again. The others were piling up as well standing behind him. Swords gone just like they first appeared. They looked ... out of this world.

I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to answer, I was way out of my mind to say anything. He reached his hand to me again "We need to go somewhere safe, we are being followed" he said. Only now, I came to notice the way his hair fell to his eyes, there was a greenish colour in them.

When I didn't respond, his face changed expressions and someone from behind called out to him "Ravn we need to go now ... Xion is hurt"

His gaze shifted immediately to his little pack of army, and to one in particular. Shorter and quite fair, his hair was purple, literally sparkling, he was leaning close into the one who called him. Blonde, taller, his body well built.

"Is it bad ?" He asked and the purple hair guy who I assumed was Xion shook his head "No" he whispered but it was obvious that he was lying. His expressions changed looking back at me "We need to get you somewhere safe" he tried to explain

"Please" his eyes fading colours, from grey back to hazelnuts

"You have to trust us"

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