5th Kingdom - Magic

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Listening to Ravn I finally understood where all this darkness was coming from. Everything went silent for a while, I didn't say anything as I watched the other move to stand next to the windows covered with the thick curtains "He can't stand the light that much" he said tightly closing the curtains "Ever since he changed, he had a hard time adjusting"

He didn't have to say much or to explain, I can see it quite well. Keonhee was a Hero, a Leader, a Kalvarie and suddenly he tunred into a monster and refused to be one, killed his own people to protect them from themselves. What he went through would changed anyone from inside out even if he didn't tunr into a half vampire half werewolf.

It has been a couple of hours, Ravn didn't move from his spot standing next to the window like a guard, his sword to his side and I sitting on the hard wooden chair. Keonhee suddenly stirred and moved in his sleep and then his eyes fluttered open. He took few seconds before his eyes were wide open and he sat up violently, Ravn rushing to his side and I ... froze. Standing up from my seat, I just stood there.

Ravn got closer "Hey" he called for his childhood friend "How are you feeling ?"

Keonhee looked around blinking few times probably remembering what happened "Thirsty" he said with a ruspy voice making Ravn's expression drop "Sure" Ravn said moving his hand a bit away to the table close by and grabbing a glass. A glass that I didn't pay much attention to when I first arrived, it was just there on the table, at first look it seemed empty but inside, there was some red liquid ... blood.

Of course I thought to myself.

Ravn brought the glass close to Keonhee, the younger eyeing the glass for sometime before shifting his eyes to Ravn

"Not for that" he said

"Water please"

Something inside of us lightened up, I could see Ravn scoff "What ?" he asked not believing the words coming out of Keonhee's mouth

"W-water please" Keonhee said again now putting a hand aroun dhis throat "I'm thirsty"

I have never seen Ravn's face lit up the way it did when Keonhee asked for water instead of blood ... for a second I didn't know what to think, did it work ? did I undo the curse ? Is Keonhee normal again ?


He wasn't

Ravn came back few seconds later with water, behind him came the others, one by one piling inside the room and I felt like I didn't belong ... I stood a bit away by the door frame. His eyes were still red, his complexion still ... weird but he didn't want blood anymore.

They were talking and I lost track of what they were asking him, so many questions, they were worried but suddenly eyes were on me. I looked around to see everyone staring at me ... Smiling though, I tried to look around me ... nope there was no one else around

"W-what ?" I asked already feeling my cheeks blushing

"Why are you standing there you should come closer" Seoho said with that sweet voice of his and I scoffed "Your charms don't work on me anymore" but I took few steps closer anyways, glacing up at Ravn and standing right between Xion and Leedo.

"Thank you" Keonhee said "I didn't have much faith in you at first but and I know I made you feel unconfortable in so many occasions but ... "

"I haven't done much though" I mumbled "You're still ... "

I shouldn't have said that, what am I doing ?

"True" he said "But now without the blood part ... I can think of it as a gift, now I can use it to fight, it doesn't have to be messy anymore"

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