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I suggest you to read the ' Intro to the Characters ' first. Thank you🥰

Aphrodite was the goddess of love, beauty, and desire . 

In most myths, she was born from the foam in the waters of Paphos, on the island of Cyprus after Ouranos's genitals were cast into the sea by his son, Kronos.

But in other myths she is the daughter of Thalassa (personification of the sea) and Uranus while in other she is the daughter of Dione (Titaness) and Zeus.

Her Roman name is Venus. 

Aphrodite, like the other gods, she patronized some characters in mythology; this protection occurred with individuals where love and beauty - Aphrodite's attributes - stood out.

The forbidden love of Paris and Helen assured that the goddess of sympathy until after the end of the Trojan War; thanks to Aphrodite, Menelaus forgave Helen's betrayal and they were reconciled . 

One of his most famous was blessed Pygmalion, a sculptor and the King of Cyprus, who fell in love with a statue carved when trying to play the ideal woman. He had decided to live in celibacy in Cyprus for not agreeing with the libertine attitude of women there, who had given fame to the same place as courtesans.

Aphrodite if pitying him and given to his request, finding the island a woman who arrived at the foot of that Pygmalion carved in beauty and modesty, turned the statue into a flesh and blood woman with whom Pygmalion married and, nine months later, she had a daughter named Paphos, which gave name to the island . 

In addition to its protection of lovers and passionate, the goddess protected members of his family, even distant as her granddaughter Ino, she saved him from Hera's wrath turning it into bird.

Aphrodite also gave beauty to Coronides, two daughters of Orion, after the death their mother. Similarly, she took care of the orphaned daughters of Pandareus, a favorite of Demeter who was turned to stone after trying to steal bronze Zeus temple.

His daughters, Cleodora and Merope, who were also motherless, were protected by Aphrodite, who took care of them and held them. However, when Aphrodite went to Zeus to ensure a happy marriage for girls, they were taken by the Furies.



There are two forms of Aphrodite's birth. The first, and most common, is that after Ouranus was cut apart by Kronus, he threw most of Ouranos' body parts in Tartarus, though as a fail safe he also threw parts into the ocean. These divinities caused the sea foam to turn into a goddess, resulting in Aphrodite. She was clothed by the three Graces.

The second is less used. It states Aphrodite is the daughter of Zeus and Dione (Titaness).

                    Trojan War

Aphrodite somewhat began the Trojan War.

It began when Aphrodite tempted Paris to choose her as the fairest goddess with Helen, the fairest mortal of all. He did choose her, which caused war with the gods. Also, because Helen was already married to a ruler of Sparta. The two fell in love, causing not only a problem, but also a war between the Trojans and Greeks

       Marriage with Hephaestus

According to a version of Aphrodite's history, because of her immense beauty, Zeus feared that the other gods would begin to fight each other because of it.

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