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Styx is the personification of hate, and the goddess of the river with the same name in the Underworld. She is the eldest of the Titan generation of Okeanides. Styx was also the personified Daimon (Spirit) of hatred (stygos).

She was a firm ally of Zeus in the Titan Wars, who brought her children Nike (Victory), Zelos (Rivalry), Bia (Force) and Kratos (Strength) to stand alongside the god.

Zeus rewarded her by making her the goddess of the River Styx and the agent of the binding oath of the gods.

The River Styx was also a corrosive Arkadian stream, which allegedly flowed forth from the underworld.


During the early days of the titan war, Styx brought her and her children from Pallas (Nike, Kratos, Zelos, and Bia) to the side of Zeus. For her loyalty, Zeus used her name as the binding oath that all gods must obey.

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