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Hello, my name is Iggy.

This is a series of short stories related to the Snapshot AU by DoctorSiren. The first chapter will be a very basic thing with NPC OCs by myself and some new friends of mine on the SSAU Discord server. We have a lot of fun over there.

Comment on this chapter with a ref and short description of your oc (it doesn't have to be an NPC!) and I'll add in your character in an upcoming story.

I will be slowing down other stories soon and probably working mostly on oneshots, since I begin school on Tuesday, 25th of August 2020. I'll be in many classes that are important to my future, including biomedical science, driver's ed, spanish, business and workplace essentials, and more. I'm also in all AP Classes, so I will be studying hard and focusing on school. I will also be participating in other activities such as Dungeons & Dragons club, among other things like just hanging out with friends. Things are hard during this pandemic and I am trying my best to keep up with art, stories, and school. I will not be on a regular schedule with any of these extra things (art, stories, videos, livestreams) so thank you in advance for your patience.

Credit will be given where credit is due.

All ocs and art belongs to their respective owners.

Snapshot AU belongs to DoctorSiren

Comment here for a oneshot.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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