[1] Until next time!

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"You better stay in contact with me!" Oikawa sniffled at me.

After I transferred to Aoba Johsai in my third year of high school, Oikawa and I had become almost inseparable. Despite the offsetting rumors about him, all you needed was confidence to talk to him. After slamming a door on my face, the two of us easily became friends.

That meant I had to realize the infamous Oikawa Tooru was just a milkbread-loving space idiot that loved playing volleyball. I never knew friendships could form so easily.

After some time passes, the two of us started dating. This just gave Oikawa an excuse to be even more of a clingy attention whore who always wanted to snuggle and for me to comb through his hair.

I can't lie, being close friends with Oikawa, Iwa, Makki, and Matsun called for the most comforting and chaotic memories. Comforting because you trusted the 4 boys with your life, but chaotic because you'd never know the bullshit they'd try to pull. Like when they had camp, and called me at 2am to pick them up. Having their sleeping rooms on the first floor, they snuck outside the classroom windows and bolted to my car, where you we drove to get McDonalds and chat until 5am when I snuck them back inside with multiple 5 Hour Energy drinks to keep them awake for the rest of camp the next day.

Unfortunately, all things must come to an end. Our third year ended, we graduated, and Oikawa had reached his dream of getting a scholarship from a top tier Argentine college close to the headquarters of a volleyball league he was accepted into.


I would stay in Japan, also accepted into my #1 college. You're futures had so much potential. In the end, the two of us had come to the decision to let things go on a high note. You remember that day as if it were yesterday: we sat in Oikawa's car, parked outside my house.

Flashback time boiiiiii

"Stop crying," Oikawa cooed. He pulled me close to him from shotgun, and I leaned against him over the middle counsel.

I sniffled ."You're crying too!"

He paused, "Well you started it! You crying made me cry! But hey, listen. We still have a few more days before my flight, so as of right now, Im still all yours. Also Y/n-chan, just because im not gonna be by your side doesn't mean im not still thinking about you. And when the day comes when I have to go, and we cant be together, you better keep me in your heart because I promise to stay there forever."

Back to the present time boiiiii

Those few days flew by. Now here I am, at the airport seeing Oikawa off as he goes to Argentina.

Oikawa's hands moving to cup my face brought me back to reality. His thumbs softly rubbing my cheeks before squishing my whole face together.

"I will," I said quietly. The tears in Oikawa's eyes matched my own. "Break a leg."

He smiled. "Okay ill break both of them."

I laughed weakly. "Scratch that. Shut the fuck up. Good luck."

Oikawa rested a hand on top of my head before ruffling up my hair. "Come here," he said as he encased me in a warm hug. "I love you."

I hugged him back, nuzzling into his t-shirt. "I love you too."

He pulled away and looked at my face, studying it. Moments later, he planted quick kisses on my forehead, cheeks, nose, and lastly my lips. "Bye, (Y/n)."

He wiped a sad tear from my cheek, "Bye Oinkers." His face softened at the nickname before he gave my hand one last squeeze. Next thing I knew, he gave his parents one last goodbye and waved at us as he entered the airport.

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