[2] Is that you?

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When I woke up, the sun had set, and I was met with an empty hotel room. Even so, the lights from the beach began to poke through the curtains of the windows and balcony's glass sliding door.

I changed into a cute skirt and top before doing my hair and just a little bit of makeup. When I was satisfied, I grabbed my phone and a small bag to hold my wallet, key card, and a small water bottle.

It only took a few minuted to walk to the beach, and when I arrived, I immediately ran into a conversation: a group of people around my age came up to me with kind faces and held out a phone. "Voce pode tirar uma foto nossa?"

I gave them a sheepish smile as I took a second to interpret their words. They want me to do something, for them? 'uma foto'? a what? I looked at their phone to see it was opened to a camera app. Oh, they want me to take a picture of them. I immediately lightened up my smile and nodded.

"sim!" I agreed with my limited knowledge of the language. Thank god I was correct because once they gave me one of their phones, they all grouped together and smiled. Hell yeah! Fuck language! Context clues for the win.

After I took their photos and handed back their phone, one of the girls came us to me again. "turista?"

tourista? tourist! "Sim!" I agreed again.

She gave me a warm smile, "De onde você é?"

Okay, she wants to know where I'm from. "Japan," I smiled back before realizing I still spoke Japanese. "Oh- Japão!"

She lit up. "Agradável! Obrigado. Tenha uma boa viagem." I didn't exactly understand what she said, but when she waved and walked away, I was certain it was a goodbye. I waved back and continued my way down the beach.

There were people from all walks of life here. Families, couples, friends, pets, I don't know, but they were all having a good time. I was too. Alone time is always fun for me. Solo experiences are sometimes the best, and with the music blasting from among the many hut-styled bars scattered on the beach, tonight was guaranteed to be fun.

I stopped at a outside bar near some beach volleyball courts to grab a drink. I walked up to a stool and had small talk with the girl next to me who surprisingly spoke bits of Japanese. The outside bar was relatively small, but it had a big crowd around it. Most people there to dance and drink, and even more people to spectate the nearby beach volleyball games. It was nice, being able to melt into the crowd.

"Watch out!"

I turned to see a volleyball from one of the beach volleyball courts roll to a stop a few feet in front of me.

Then I looked up at the person chasing after it, and...

You know? I might have to raincheck my epic plans for Brazilian beach partying. Because the sight in front of me had both stolen my ability to both talk or breath.

"No way. (Y/n)-chan?" Oikawa called out, sounding just as bewildered as the thoughts racing through my brain. My mouth fell open, and soon formed a big toothy grin.


"No fucking way!" Oikawa gushed before running at me with open arms. We may have ended things, but in high school, this fluffy-haired dork only had happy memories to give me.

I ran back towards him, equaling him in enthusiasm. However, a few feet before we collided, I noticed him trip of a sand castle. Scared of being squashed, I pivoted the fuck around and ran away until I heard the thump of Oikawa falling face-first into the sand. That's when I turned around to squat next to his collapsed figure.

You Again? Oikawa Tooru x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now