The Book Store ~-*Celesgiri*-~ (💖)

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(Celestias POV)

Me and Kyoko walked down the street holding hands, it was Kyokos day off from work so we decided to go on a date. "Celeste, Theres a book store over there, should we take a look?" Kyoko pointed out small shop that had a sign overhead that said 'Shoten' it was semi covered in vines, and it seemed like not alot of people would be in there. "Of course, it seems nice!"

Me Kyoko walked into the bookstore, there was a nice looking old man working the counter " Hello! Welcome to Shoten!"Kyoko gave a small wave and went to a bookcase and looked around.

There were many shelf's of books, I didn't even know where to start "Kyoko, which book would you recommend?" Kyoko looked around at the book shelf and then picked up a book " here, this one's called Dantes Inferno. It's hard to understand but it's easy to catch on." She handed me the book. It looked like a good book. Me and Kyoko walked around the store more laughing and smiling. We only got a few books, but we had fun.

Me and Kyoko read books the rest of the day. God I love her.

-word count: 201-


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