~Chapter Four~

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I did a bit of collaborating on some paragraphs in this chapter with @EdnaSky !


Umber grinned down at them all, but Kira knew she had forgotten one thing. 

"First things first," Umber said, "Tam is-" 

She got cut off by Mez flying up and tackling her to the floor. They had forgotten about their capes. Umber snarled and tried to shove Mez off, who was clinging to her like a burr, trapping her to the floor. The rest of the Elders flew up and started to run for the door. Mez jumped up and ran after them. If they could get far enough away from Tam, maybe Rayem could create a non-tampered portal to the Sky Kingdoms. 

Kira skidded around a bend in the path, hoping against hope that their hastily cobbled together plan would work. She looked behind her, and saw Umber and Tam chasing them, gaining by the second. Ethis, who was in front of her, skidded to a stop, and she crashed into him.

They were at a dead end.

Kira spun around, ready to face Tam and Umber, but they had stopped down the hall. Tam was leaning against the wall, as if tired, and Kira felt his hold on her powers loosen, just a bit. 

Rayem quickly waved his hands, creating a portal with what little power he had available. Kira glanced back at Umber and Tam. She barely caught it, but Tam nodded his head towards the portal, just the tiniest bit. In that moment, Kira knew that he had been faking, and he purposely let go of their powers so Rayem could make a portal to escape. 

But why?

She silently thanked him, and stepped towards the glowing portal. Before she could enter it, a blade of shadow whizzed past her ear, glowing with the telltale sparks of an enchantment, right towards Edna. 

Time seemed to slow down, and Kira knew the shadow wouldn't miss. She squeezed her eyes shut, bracing herself. Hearing a dull thunk, Kira opened her eyes. Rayem had jumped on front of Edna, and the shadow blade was now lodged in the side of his head. He lay crumpled on the floor. Kira sucked in a gasp, her eyes burning with tears. She hated that her friends got hurt so often, and if Rayem died- 

She looked away, pushing her friends into the portal. She only shed tears once she was in the calming whiteness, escaping her new enemy. 

Kira slid down the slope after her brother, laughing. They had all made it back to the Sky Kingdoms safely. Well, all except Rayem, and had immediately felt a calling to their realms. Kira and Ethis were heading to their new home, the Valley temple. Slipping around a bend in the cliffs, the stone walls dropped away, and Kira caught a glimpse of the Valley Temple. The bronze spires rising above red stone walls, striking against the glittering white snow. 

Kira leaned forward, gaining speed. The wind shrieked in her ears. She and Ethis flew off the end of the race, into the stadium, flying into the dark entryway of the Valley Temple. Kira landed softly on the bricks, staring around her. The hall was lit up by golden sunlight streaming in through the windows, illuminating specks of dust floating in the air. The hall was quieter than outside, each step echoing as loud as a thunderclap. The muted reds glowed in the eternal sunset.  Ethis broke the silence.

"Not to be rude to the... uh... temple or whatever, but where are we supposed to live?"

Kira rolled her eyes at her brother. Sometimes, he was an idiot. She pointed to the ceiling. 

"Do you see those runes?'


"And the door that they're on?"

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