Part 25: Turning?..

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Roman's pov★:

Remus and Janus where the first people up then Virgil and me Logan was still asleep. To be honest I was glad Logan finally got some sleep. I followed Virgil as he walked out of the room to the roof, this is my time to actually apologise. "Virgil!" I said and I guess I sorta scared him because he jumped a little bit and turned around quickly. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, but I want to talk to you Virgil." I said and he nodded so I walked by him and we both sat down.

"I want to apologise...I made you leave and it was my fault, I was being dramatic and rude to you but I should've been Happy that you gave me a chance..I know you are probably scared of everything that's happening and probably blaming yourself about Patton. But Im here for you whenever you need it." I said with a small smile and reached for Virgil's hand and hold it in mine and suprisingly he didnt back away. "I should also apologise, I wasnt the nicest person and I'm sorry I made you feel like I was using you or something. Also you're right I am blaming myself about Patton...But you didnt make me leave" Virgil said with a pause as he took a deep breath I was confused.

"You..actually made me want to stay.." Virgil said and I noticed he was blushing but I'm pretty sure I was too. "That's very nice of you to say Virgil." I smiled a little bit more and kept a hold of Virgil's hand. "Y-ya..But! dont get use to it Princey" Virgil said and I laughed a little bit "Alright Emo Nightmare" I said and we both looked at each other and started to move close to each other but before we could.. "We found something" Janus said as he looked at us "Could be something of Patton's!" Virgil said and he got up and followed the others.

I followed behind and we saw some footprints then some blood drops around the footprints. We all looked at Logan, Logan looked down at the footprints then the blood and look at us. It was Patton's footprints but we don't know his blood so this could be anyones...Patton could be a zombie by now. "This..cant be....It's NOT HIM!" Logan said he's been having a huge time trying to control his emotions without Patton. He looked down as he started to cry, I think we would all be lying if we all said we didnt feel bad. "we dont know if its actually him guys so we should just keep a look-out, He's close by." Janus said as he looked at the road then around us.

Before we could even look Janus had his gun up and shot a few zombies that were coming, then we heard something like someone screaming/crying in pain it was a echo but we didnt know where the sound was coming from.

Hey guys! Sorry I was a bit rushed in this chapter but I hoped you guys liked it anyways that's all BYE! ^^

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