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Tupac had finally pulled the car around the front.
I quickly pick her up and put her into the car once i hop in.
I was immediately hit with questions that i couldn't answer right now.
Oh my gosh, Ro!
Cover my mouth with tears welling up.
What the fuck happen?
Looking back to see Ro shot.
Man look this is not the time for that,
We need to get her to the hospital ASAP.
Putting the car in drive then on to the hospital.
Two minutes later we arrive at the hospital
I rushed into the hospital
Somebody help me my girl was shot i shouted.
The nurse and doctor rushed over with a gurney
I carefully put her on it.
Checking her pulse for any signs of life her pulse is weak.
We need to take her into surgery asap.
the rushed chilli into the back
I was running right by her side she was in and out while being rushed into the back.
Lisa squeezing her hand please don't leave me.
I won't, I'm not going anywhere, u hear me?
I will be right here.
Just like i promise.
I stay right there with her until the nurse stop me
Feeling Lisa being pulled away
I Lisa shouted after her
I didn't like it when the nurse stopped me.
I could hear chilli calling for me.
Yo, why u stopping me?
I was starting to get pissed off.
Sorry miss but u can't go back there.
That made me have a fit cause
I was afraid that if I wasn't there by chilli side...
That i was gonna lose her.
I really do care for chilli,
I couldn't live with myself knowing that...
She took a bullet for me
I was about to fight anyone who stood in my way.
When kidada and I walked in we saw
Lisa who was about to get into it
With one of the nurse,
I can see that crazy
Look in her eyes
Like hell,
I do i need to be back there with her!
And u standing in my damn way
I'm sorry miss but u have to Calm down.
Calm down, Calm down, fuck Calm!
I ain't Calming down for shit!
We need to stop her before she starts fighting again.
I quickly made my way to Lisa
Move out my way before
I drop-kick your ass up and down this hallway.
Lisa let's go outside for a moment.
Snatch away from him.
I'm not going anywhere, chilli needs me.
What she needs right now is for the nurses and doctors to do their job
While we wait for the results their nothing we can do for right now
But hope that she will be okay.
Putting my hands over my head running my fingers through my hair
I Immediately started to punch the wall one time with my left fist
Then again with my right fist then
I started to punch the wall repeatedly
Screaming out in rage, anger and it hurt,
Calm down Lisa that's not gonna prove anything.
No matter how much u take your frustration out on that wall
It won't change the fact that chilli is in here
I slide down the wall with my heart aching first my family and now my girl
I was full of mixed emotions for a minute before feeling in rage again.
I couldn't help but get out of my seat
I want the mother fuckers that shot at me and my girl!
Do u know the mother fuckers that did this?
No, but I know them when
I see them cause they keep following me.
You gonna have to tell me what happened to chilli Lisa?
Chilli was trying to keep me from going back into the restaurant
Then next i know that we were having a conversation then we had a moment
I was caught up in the moment and the next thing
I know she spins me around then the gunshots went off then she fell into me
Got damn smh
We need to get them Pac they can't get away with this shit
I already feel some kinda way about her and she knows it.
Don't worry Lisa we gonna handle them
No, i wanna be the one to handle them because they shot at me but they hit her.
I can't keep doing that back and forth
I don't want anybody getting hurt for me.
They gotta pay for this
I'm gonna make some calls and have some people put a lookout on them
Thank u Tupac
I always know that i can always count on u.
You know it ain't nothing as much as u been having my back
I will always have yours it's like a bother and sister kinda thing.

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