Talking Things Through

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"Can we talk? About the kiss?" Foster asked.

I knew that was coming, but I still couldn't stop my nerves as I slowly sat down on my bed, looking at the floor before speaking.

"Yeah. We probably should," I said quietly.

"Can I sit on the bed next to you?" He asked nervously after tossing his cowboy hat onto the chair in the corner of my room.

"Um, yeah sure," I said as I began to fiddle with my fingers as I waited for him to speak.

"I'm going to admit that I'm awful at talking about feelings, especially my own because most of the time, I don't even know what I'm feeling, but I'm going to say the same thing as I told my parents last night." Foster said, speaking hurriedly, his nerves clearly showing.

I couldn't help but to let out a little giggle at the fact that he'd talked to his parents about his feelings. Feelings that he had, for me. It kind of made me feel giddy that he had talked to his parents about me even though I already knew that from what his mom had told me in the kitchen earlier.


He smiled slightly before speaking.

"I really like you. Like, like you like you and if you were to leave right now, it'd probably kill me. I hate when you're sad and when you cried last night in here after I kissed you, I couldn't hardly breathe and my chest felt tight and I felt like a big ole idiot and I wanted to beat myself up," he said as he kept his eyes locked on mine the entire time he spoke, and I knew he was being honest, but I still had my doubts. My worries. My insecurities.

"What about Backwoods Barbie and what happened on the first day I got here?" I spoke quietly, and he sighed which didn't make me feel any less stressed.

"Nothing happened with her then. I couldn't do it. Even when I left, I had no intention of doing anything with her. I just took her home and then went for a drive around town to clear my head," Foster said.

"Then why did you leave with her?" I asked, trying hard to keep the hurt and sadness that I was feeling out of my voice.

"Kinda just wanted to ruffle your feathers a bit and because I was kinda freaked out about the way my heart started to race when I saw you," he said as he scratched the back of his neck that was going a little red, looking a mix of embarrassed and ashamed of himself.

"And... and the kiss? What was that about?" I asked, biting my bottom lip nervously as I awaited his response.

"It was about me being unable to stay away from you. I was at the Inn everyday doing odd little things since that first day, hoping and praying that I would get to see you again," Foster said as he stared at me intently.

"Did you like it? The, um, the kiss, I mean," I said, trying not to sound as desperate as I really was to know the answer.

"Do cows moo? Does a rooster crow? Do I wear a cowboy hat?" He joked, smiling at me and making me giggle again.

"So that's a yes, then?" I asked with a small smile.

"Most definitely. Ever since that kiss, I haven't been able to get the taste of your lips out of my mind or how soft they are," he said, his eyes getting a little glazed over as he seemed to be slightly lost in his thoughts.

"The taste of my lips?" I asked, just now noticing how we had gradually moved closer to one another until our noses were brushing against one another.

"Yeah, like peaches," he said softly.

"You taste like cinnamon," I admitted to him, my cheeks flushing just the tiniest bit.

"Maybe we should kiss each other again to combine those flavors, don't you think?" He asked as he stared at my lips.

"Mmhmm," U hummed back as I moved in closer to him, and then our lips were melting together as one.

Our lips moved together slowly as we savoured the kiss, trying to press our lips as close together as possible.

As our lips continued to move together as one, Foster pressed himself up against me more before laying me back on the bed, leaning over top of me, never breaking our slow kiss.

He slipped his hand up under my shirt, slowly caressing my side sending shivers down my spine at the pleasure I felt from his skin brushing softly against mine. His hand slowly moved up as he traced the underside of my bra, and I decided that now would probably be the best time to break our kiss.

"Okay, big fella. Slow your roll, cowboy," I said with a slight pant as I pulled back from him.

"Sorry. Got a little carried away. I just want to be as close to you as possible, but even then, I don't even know if that's close enough," Foster said, his eyes flicking between mine and my lips.

"Look at you, you big sap," I said jokingly, but nevertheless enjoying his sweet words.

"I know. You do this to me, Darlin'. I want to be the best for you," Foster said as he leaned in and gave me a sweet peck on my lips that had me begging for more.

"So, Darlin', will you officially be mine?" Foster suddenly asked after he pulled away from me.

"No," I said immediately.

He looked at me in shock, and I could see a bit of hurt in his eyes which almost made me change my mind, but I needed to stick to my guns.

"Why not?" He asked, a bit of hurt in his words.

"You hurt me, even if you didn't know it. If you want me, you're going to have to prove it to me," I said. 

"I'll get down on my knees and beg," Foster said as he looked at me in desperation. 

"That's a good start, but I think you can do better," I said.

He immediately dropped down to his knees in front of me and grabbed both of my hands as he looked up at me.

"Darlin', I know I'm a big ole idiot and a jerk off and I have a load of making up to do and proving to you that I want you and only you, but I plan on doing just that. Will you accept part one of my apology?" He asked me sweetly, his eyes going all wide and reminding me a puppy looking at its owner after being called bad.

"Part one?" I asked as I giggled at him.

"Yeah, I plan to have a total of four or five parts. But, do you accept part one?" Foster asked hopefully.

"Yes I do... big fella," I said, adding the little nickname at the end to mess with him some.

"I think I like that nickname. It's starting to grow on me. But I like when you say my name best," he said happily.

"I'll keep that in mind," I said with a smile.

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