Putting Them in Their Place

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- Foster's POV -

"And that's also just one of the many reasons why I've fallen in love with him."

I was so shocked by her words.

She's fallen in love with me? I just can't believe that after all the shit that I've put her through, she still has fallen for me. But I couldn't be happier because I feel the exact same way when it comes to her.

I smiled brightly at her as I stepped closer to her, resting my forehead against hers as I spoke quietly to her.

"You mean it, Darlin'? You really mean it?" I asked in disbelief.

She smiled right back at me as she stared into my eyes, mesmerizing me with her beautiful emeralds. I could stare into her beautiful eyes all day long and not realize that any time had passed by. I'll never be able to get enough of her.

"Yes, Foster, I do. I think I fell for you the moment that Mrs. Graham told me that you were 'the broody one who spewed crap out of his mouth when he spoke,' on the first day that I arrived here in Paddock," she said and I chuckled, knowing that that was definitely something that Maggie would say yo describe me. Especially considering that she's even told me that since I was 16 years old. She's like an aunt to me and my brothers.

"Want to know something, Darlin'?"

"What, big fella?" She responded, making me smirk ever so slightly at the nickname she has called me since day one.

"I've fallen in love with you too. It took a good long talk with my parents and brothers to realize that that's what I feel for you."

She smiled widely and we leaned in to kiss one another but were stopped short by what my Darlin' calls the BB Squad.

"I'm still here, y'know?!" Lola shrieked in anger.

I turned away from my Darlin' and glared at the BB Squad.

"Why are you still here?" I asked in annoyance.

"Because we belong together, baby," Lola said.

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little at being called baby by her again.

"Are you stupid or just dumb? What don't you understand?" Eloise said in genuine confusion.

"I don't understand why he wants a slutbag like you!" Lola shouted.

I would never raise my hand to a woman, but right now I was really struggling to not knock her teeth in.

Eloise turned and looked at me, letting my hand go and stepping back away from me.

"Foster, I'm sorry about this," she said making me frown at her in confusion.

"Sorry about what?" I asked.

But then, my Darlin' turns to Lola and, in the blink of an eye, balls her right hand into a fist, rears it back, and slams her fist right into Lola's nose, the crack and crunch of her nose breaking audibly all throughout the bar as Eloise just completely cleaned her clock.

"AHHHHHH! MY NOSE! YOU BROKE MY NOSE! AHHHHHH!" Lola wailed like some crazed banshee.

"WHY, YOU LITTLE HOE!" Missy cried as well as she brought her hand up to slap Eloise across the face, but my little Darlin' caught her hand midair.

"Big mistake," Eloise said as she then reached behind Missy and grabbed her by her long black hair and slammed her forehead down on the bar top, and can I just say: OW!

"YAAAAOOOWWWW!" Missy screamed out like a cat that had got its tail stepped on before she crumpled to the floor with her hands shooting up to cradle her forehead.

I looked at my little Darlin', unable to hide my desire for her as my jeans began to get tighter and tighter.

Eloise looked down at both girls on the floor, smirking at them.

"I warned you and you didn't listen. So your injuries? Those are on you two," she said simply and then turned to look at me. "Foster, can we leave now?"

Shit, after what I just saw, there was no way that I was going to go against anything she was saying or that she ever said.

"Of course, Darlin'. Want to head back to your room at the Inn?" I asked.

"Yes, please. It seems that you and I have some talking to do," she replied.

"Yes, we do. Night Ford," I called back to the bar's owner and a good friend.

"Night Foster and Eloise. Nice punch, by the way, hun," Ford said she shot a wink to Eloise who laughed.

"Thanks, night," she said as we made our way to the exit of the bar when she turned back to look at the two who were still wailing on the floor. "Oh, and by the way, the BB Squad stands for the Backwoods Barbie Squad."

Everyone in the bar howled with laughter, myself included, as I led her out of the bar and into my truck before hopping in myself and driving to the Inn.

Even though the Inn wasn't too far from Ford's, I wanted her close to me on the drive there so I reached over the console and locked our hands together, placing both of our hands on my thigh as I rubbed the back of her hand.

We were silent in the truck but it wasn't uncomfortable. We were just enjoying being together. I found myself wishing that the drive to the Inn was just a little longer so that I wouldn't have to let her hand go, even if it was just to get out and open her door for her, but I did so anyway as I tried not to run over to her side, just to be close to her. 

"Thank you."

"Of course, Darlin'. Let's head in and up to your room."

"Yes, let's."

We walked into the front door of the Inn and were immediately greeted by Maggie and Bobby.

"Hey, you two," Maggie said.

"Evening, kids," Bobby smiled at us.

"Hey," I nodded at them.

"Hello," Eloise greeted.

"You two headed upstairs?" Bobby asked.

"Yeah, we are going to go talk," Eloise said and we turned to head upstairs when Maggie spoke up.

"Does it have anything to do with what happened at the bar not too long ago?"

Eloise froze and looked at Maggie in shock.

"How'd you hear about that?" Me, Bobby, and Maggie all let out a chuckle at her shocked words.

"Small town, Darlin'. News here travels fast," I said simply.

"Oh. Yeah, you're right," she said with a blush that had us chuckling at her again.

"You two go on upstairs and have your talk," Bobby said with a wide grin.

"Alright, come on Darlin'," I said as we finally began to upstairs only to be stopped once again by Maggie who called out to Eloise.

"Oh, and Eloise?"

"Yes, Mrs. Graham?" She said as she looked at Maggie again in curiosity.

"I'm glad that you finally put those two in their place. I only wish that I'd been there to witness it first hand."

We all laughed as we continued up the stairs and walked into my Darlin's room, shutting the door behind us.

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