That thin Line

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Note: this is relatively long. I wrote this in seventh grade and decided to do something with it. 

There has always been a thin line between life and death, never knowing what lies beyond the other. You say words you don't mean and have things you wish you had done. Nothing stops; these cycles continue. No one can stop it, just not want it. Seeing people go where you know they won't come back. You want to a second chance, to have a reset, but it never happens. Life is nothing like how the fairytales described, a prince saving a princess and knights battling dragons then living happily ever after. No, life is an obstacle course, with never-ending twists and turns, non stop ups and downs, never quitting. Losing people, making new friends. There is still that thin line. Death being only a fall away, the constant fear lurking, never stopping. When people go away and never come back. Spirits coming to haunt evil and guardians coming to watch the innocent. Life and Death have many different names, yet they all puzzle me. What lies beyond? An endless void? Your worst nightmare? Or... is it just peace? Would you be able to see people who crossed the line long ago? Would you be able to return? Or... would you become another forgotten soul? The constant questions and mysteries that are never meant to be answered. Would we find these answers on a different plain. Could a mere mortal linger between the two and come back. The thin line between has always been frightening to the living, but what of the dead? Where would a soul go if there is nothing for them to return to? These endless puzzles go on and on, never to be solved. Life just continues when someone crosses that thin line, with only a brief moment of sorrow. Only when we relook at memories do we remember them, good and bad. To take something back would be a blessing, alas we only move forward. Though not many ask what does the future hold. When death comes knocking and we follow, whether it be we call or simply drift away, we go with it. Then, when life comes walking, the cycle repeats. Never. To. Be. Stopped. But why? Why DOESN'T everything just stop, and let nothing happen. If everything were to just pause, what would happen then? The thin line becoming not so thin anymore. Being able to cross and come back. What would life and death be then? No loss, no suffering, but no happiness or peace. If it was all just nothing, what would happen then? Mysteries that were never meant uncovered, would be. It would be meaning less to have an eternity. That is just how thin the line is, between life and death. A line that should never be taken forgranted. The many names that are never meant to be forgotten, darkness and light, god and the devil, good and evil. And yet, through it all, the thin line is still there; as it always should be. 

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