Nothing Changed

3 0 0

Note: Hello! I wrote this in response to a video about the impact of the Quarantine/stay at home order on students for my Creative Writing class. I thought I would share it with you all. It's 3 Tankas(5-7-5-7-7) put together. 

Days continue on 

My solitude my comfort

It was change, good change

Something new, until it wasn't

The days drifted together

Like it was before

Nothing new, same old schedule

The arts, an escape

In or out, it didn't matter 

Complete the given task right

It's the same concept

Just a different place

Like before, just old

The days still bled together

Same cycle continuing

Note: The video was a short film called "Numb" on youtube by Liv McNeil. I think it's worth a watch and that it makes an impact. You don't have to but I suggest you give it a go. 

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