Love and Royalty

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Once upon a time, there's a big kingdom whose the owner was a mad man named Mori. He rule the kingdom wisely yet sadistic. This King himself has a son named Dazai Osamu, which he train him so hard to be the next king. The little prince, instead of befriend his high-class people, prefer to befriend the low-class peoples in his father's kingdom area.

"Nobles sucks"

However, the King found it out and give him a warning by hurting his friends.

"You're not allowed to befriend such a lowlife, young boy"

And the little prince himself doesn't like of how his father hurt his friends.

"You mad! Don't hurt them! I hate you!"

Each day passes by them arguing over it, again and again. Till one day, the little prince run away from the kingdom and got lost in the forest nearby, feels sucks of his father's sick attitude.

"Stupid old man. I hate you so much"

Until he realize that he has gotten too far inside the forest, he start to lose hope because he isn't familiar with the forest.

"I'm lost.."

Because, it was a sacred forest where a myth creature, dragons, lives. However, he didn't believe it because his father has hunt down all dragons alive, till the babies and the eggs.

"There's no dragons here. What should I be afraid of?"

But a sight in front of him changes his mind. Not only because he found out a breathing dragon, but also because he encounters a little female human with sharp pointy ears, dragon tail and one pair of dragon wings, stands in front of him, looking straight into his eyes with her blue ocean eyes.

"..A dragon girl.."

She seems to be friendly, yet a bit scary because she shows a disliking glare at him at their first meet. She use a one piece dress and is barefoot. And her hair, it looks like as if it was the real sunset in front of his eyes.

"She's pretty", she said in his mind

But still, human and dragon is forbidden to be together. So, right after a few seconds of analyzing each other's appearance, she quickly turns back and runs away, after showing a sad look, makes him somehow feels sad because he has lost another friend.

"Wait! Come back!"

Their first meet is a bad one, yet he wants to befriend her. So he after her till she finally tired out and decides to give up on running, then peeks at him from afar.

"Can I believe him?" She asks to herself

Then he found her, and decide to introduce himself as a friendly human.

"I'm Dazai Osamu, and I want to be your friend", he said while bows down like a gentlemen and then smiles at her

She slowly accepts with full trust on him. And soon, they became friends.

"I-I'm Nakahara Chuuya. Will you treat me kindly?"

They spend the next days by doing fun things in the forest each time Dazai escapes from the castle. Starting then, a strong bond grows between the two of them.

"Chuuya~ Did you care about me?"

They start to care about each other, unless Chuuya who has care about him since the first time they became friends, but doesn't directly shows it because she was a cute little tsundere.

"No", she said, while blushing and looks away to hide it

They start to call each other with a cute nickname

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