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I knock on the door and it opens not even a second later. A tall woman in a suit and long curly brown hair in a half bun smiles back at me.

"Hi, I'm Luna Sol Del Luz the babysitter " I say with a smile and wave she lets me in and closes the door behind me walking ahead of me.

"Great, her name is Destiny. She is 8 months and I will be gone for about 5 hours tops. There is a list on the fridge if anything happens or if you need anything, resort to the list" she says exhausted picking up the giggling baby.

"Okay thank you see you in 5 hours" I call out as she kisses her Destiny on the forehead before placing her in my arms. Then runs out in her grey and black pantsuit in a hurry.

"It's just you and me now Destiny" I say tapping her nose as she puts her fingers in her mouth.

I take her hand out and shake my head at her "Are you hungry, Destiny?" I place her on her baby chair and grab a small bowl of mashed pears.


She smiled at me for the second time and I knew what she's up to when the smell hit me and I flinched "Destiny!" I laugh.

"You little stinker" I say as I change her diaper and I pick her up freshly changed. I place her in her rocking chair as she looks at me in wonder with her beautiful brown eyes. "Dessi!" I say finally loving that name. It's been 4 hours and I am already attached. She's so beautiful and joyful it's hard not to.

I remember the chocolate in my pocket and break it into pieces giving them to her one by one. "Don't tell your mommy I let you eat chocolate" I smile down at the little girl with chocolate smeared on her face. "We only have a few minutes left together, Dessi" My face shifts into a frown.

"Hopefully I can continue babysitting you Des" I say hearing a car pull up to the driveway.

The door opens and Clara comes into view when she spots Dessi she rushes to her "My Angel!" Clara, Destiny's mom yells.

After I clean up and put Dessi down Clara walks me to the door with a tired face and a smile "Here you go" Clara hands me $100. Wow "Umm Clara this isn't wh-" she smiles and cuts in "It's an advance for maybe.. watching her again Saturday?"

"Of course" I smile.

I walk out the door waving bye as I spot a guy walking across the street. I avoid him and walk fast with the cold air tossing about.

"Here!" I stand frozen as the guy gets closer. He takes off his jacket and puts it on my shoulders. "Be safe! I would walk with you but I have to get home before curfew, bye!" He exclaims as he walks into the house next to Clara and Dessi. I smile as the nice boy disappears into his home.

I walk home and I feel the cold breeze mixed with the pain of yesterday. My pain was getting worse as time went on. One day I would have to deal with the pain but as of right now I cannot go through that again..


Thank you so much for reading! The book is just beginning!


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