Tidbits 3

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Hiya here's more tidbits because I got bored and because I enjoy writing them

One time y/n missed school, and Kenma went over to her house afterword and the second she opened the door he said "you left me alone with the idiots."

• Kenma went from getting fevers to only headaches from practicing to hard

• Y/n always has headache meds in her bag for Kenma or herself

• every Saturday they binge anime together

• whenever Y/n and Kenma share a bed, Y/n clings to Kenma like a koala

•Kenma sometimes wakes up and notices and he finds it cute

• Kenma keeps and extra pair of clothes at y/n place for whenever he spends the night; y/n does the same

• Y/n is really good at playing video games

• •Kenmas username is applepi (y/n came up with it)

• Y/n helps both Kenma and Kuroo study before test

• Kenma loves y/n apple pie, and he loves when she cooks for him

• Y/n steals a lot of Kenmas clothes and he finds it adorable and he loves it

• y/n is fluent in 4 languages; Japanese, English, German and French

• one time Y/n fell asleep while Kenma was sitting besides her so he laid his head on her stomach

• When they were 9 Kenma have y/n a necklace with a cat on it and she still wears it 24/7

• Y/n secretly takes pics of Kenma when she came because she knows she won't get them willingly

• Y/n can also play several instruments

Hiya I know this story is taking a long time to progress but it's coming I swear

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