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Succubus Girl: Who has a boob fetish?

Rem: It's 4 in the morning and you're asking everyone who has a boob fetish?

Succubus Girl: Well yeah!

Ainz: Albedo have you been drinking lately?

Succubus Girl: Yeah why?

Subaru: I never facepalmed so hard in my entire life till just now

Rem: Are we just making fun of Albedo?

Succubus Girl: :(

Darkness: Can we go just one day without making fun of Albedo?

Megumin: Nah

Succubus Girl: ):(

*Succubus Girl has left the chat*

Darkness: Great she left

Megumin: Yay finally

Ainz: I heard something shatter I should be concerned

Darkness: Don't be :)

*Megumin has changed Darkness's name to Lightness*

Lightness: ...

Lightness: Is it because I'm blonde?

Megumin: Mhm

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