The special one

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Succubus Girl: Hehehe

Ainz: What is she doing now?

*Admin has joined the chat*

Admin: Why am I here?-

Explosion!: It's your birthday week Admin

Admin: And? I'm turning 15 doesn't mean I get to be on here

Succubus Girl: Your Birthday is this Saturday?

Admin: Yes for the love of god

*Explosion! Has changed Admin's name to Birthday Girl*

Birthday Girl: Thanks a lot Megumin -_-

Explosion!: Very welcome >:D

Birthday Girl: Don't you guys have a test tomorrow?

Ainz: Yes and?

Birthday Girl: Did any of you study?

Explosion!: Everyone except Albedo

Birthday Girl: Welp she's fucked 😒

*Birthday Girl has changed their name to Yang*

Yang: Better

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