The Fox Who Trusted Only Time...7

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Appearing like a ghost

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Appearing like a ghost

It stared at me with green eyes

It couldn't tell who was better

And while deciding

The trees around

Slowly burned to a wither


Hello everyone~

I realized this poem might be too vague, sorry about that. This poem can have many different meanings, including from your own view.

My view behind this poem was about how as time continues, your life only continues too if you take action beside time.

The fox in this poem represents the person I want to be, and it's green eyes represents my bright hopes and dreams. If I wait for only time to make decisions for me, then time will leave me with a withered world, while my metaphorical green eyes continue to still dream. I have to trust my decisions too, not only time. Time and me are friends, supporting one another, walking hand in hand.

I really hope this explanation was okay. I'll try to write better for my future poems. I guess we live and we learn...

... Thank you kind people ^_^

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