Chapter 14

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It was 3 in the morning and I couldn't sleep. I didn't know what to do. We needed to find out if she was the last of the royal family or not. It was the end of April and if she is going to be the queen then she needs to go through the proper training. We should find out tomorrow if she is or not.

I honestly don't care if she is or not. I just want my mate. There really isn't any benefits of her being the soon to be queen except we would have more power but I don't care about the power. I just care about her. If she is the soon to be queen but she doesn't want to be then I would support her decision. I would stand by her side no matter what.

I pulled her to me and wrapped my body around hers. I finally started to fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up to a weird smell. It wasn't a bad one it was just something that I wasn't used to smelling. Opening my eyes I seen that Eliana was still asleep. I got up and made my way around the treehouse to find where the sent was coming from. I even went outside but I couldn't find it. Going back inside Eliana was coming out of the bathroom. The smell was stronger. Going closer to her I realised it was her.

"Elle, your sent has changed." Her face went from confused to shocked to scared. She was scared. "Are you okay?"

"It just became so real. I always thought that it wasn't possible for me to be part of the royal family. I thought that I was everything that they said I was. I thought I was weak, worthless, and a nobody because that's what they always said I was. After awhile I started to think that I was all of the things they told me. Now I realised that I'm more than that." She was crying now. I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug.

"Its okay. Your going to be okay. We will get through this together." I picked her up and brought her to the couch. I sat down with her still on my lap.

"I'm scared." She whispered.

"We will get through this." I told her. She soon fell back asleep.

She has been through so much and I'm not sure if she could take all the training to become the queen. I'm afraid that the training will break her. I was want her to be okay. The training will be worse than the training for alphas because she will be in charge of all the wolves. Wait if she is the queen that makes me the king.

'Kyle can you call the council we will be back tomorrow.' I mind linked Kyle.

'I thought you were staying for a week.' He replied.

'Shes the future queen we need to deal with it before taking vacations. We will come back once everything is situated.' I said to him. I feel a little bad because I'm taking her away from our vacation but this needs to be dealt with.

'Okay.' He said before I closed the link.

I went to the kitchen and started to cook breakfast for Eliana. She cooked us breakfast in bed yesterday and I thought I should do it today. I made us both an omlet with meat and vegetables in it and waffles with fruit. Grabbing the tray I put all the food on it before taking it to the bedroom. When I got in the room Eliana was still sleeping.

"Hey Ellie, wake up." I said putting the tray on the bedside table and shaking her awake.

"No." She said rolling over.

"I made breakfast." I said and she shot up.

"Food? Where?" She asked. She spotted the food and took it before starting to eat it.

"Hey, save me some!" I exclaimed. She was eating all the food.

"No mine!" She said.

"I let you have some yesterday. I cooked I think that I deserve some."

"Fine. You can have one of the omletes." I took it and ate it before she could change her mind.

"Thank you it was really good." She said handing me back the empty plate.

"I'm sorry to ruin the mood but we need to go back tomorrow. The council should be here soon." I told her. Her face went from happy to sad. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay I understand." She said sadly.

"We can come back once the council is gone. I promise or we could go on a real vacation." I wanted her to be happy.

"That would be great." She said excitedly.

"So lets watch a movie." I suggested.


After watching about 4 movies she fell asleep on the couch. I picked her up before taking her to the bed. We had already seated lunch and had a very early dinner because we needed to be up early tomorrow. Kyle mind linked me and told me the council was going to be here around 6 am.

I'm hoping that the council won't be too harsh on her. She is still very fragile and I'm not wanting her to break. In the short while I have known her she has become my life. Im so glad that i finally found her. Im also happy that I didn't reject her because I wouldn't be this happy right now. She is my happiness.

Alpha MarcellusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora