Chapter I

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He stood fully nude in front of the mirror hung up on the wall. The black marks were extremely stark against his pale skin as he examined the stains that were left on his body.

These marks, or what most people call them stains, were formed at birth, appearing on their body as soon as they were exposed to the air for the first time in their short lives. He was born with seven soulmate stains, which was a very rare case, as the most soulmates a person could have were three. The doctor had taken one look at his body as a baby, and soon he was undergoing several tests at once to make sure that he really had seven different soulmates.

When his parents found out that all seven of them were real, they cried. Well that was what they told him, before they died. He had three parents, all male, but they died in a car accident when he was just five years old. It was a hit and run, so they died bleeding out in the middle of the road after a bus plowed right over them. He was taken to an orphanage, because when their parents found out that they were gay, and mated to two other people, they were disowned, so he had no other options when they were killed.

He had never been adopted, as he had several soulmate stains, mostly because they were "Unsightly". Most of his marks were able to be hidden underneath his clothes, but there were a couple that were more difficult to hide without getting weird looks. The funny thing about stains was that they could not be covered up by make-up, as nothing seemed to stick to them. The products seemed to slide right off, or soak into the stain, which was very irritating for him to say the least.

He was a young male, and it didn't help that a few of his stains were not usually covered by most clothes. Although, the most visible stains looked like something else. His lips looked like they were covered in matte black lipstick, and the ring around his neck looked like a thin choker. The bad thing about this was the fact that not a lot of people saw them for what they were, they looked at him from a distance and either stayed away or they harassed him about it.

All seven of his stains were in pretty intimate places, well to him they were in pretty sensitive places, where he was sensitive, they were immediately intimate places.

The first was of course his lips, the second was a thin band around his neck, the choker like one nothing more than a half inch width. The third was another band around his thin waist but it had rough edges and it had different widths in different places. The fourth and fifth were splotches on the insides of his wrists. The sixth and seventh were by far the most intimate, they were splotches on the insides of his upper thighs.

Now the only way to know if someone was for sure your soulmate, they had to touch your soulmate stain, or you touched theirs. It would change from black to a color, sort of a reaction so you would know that person was yours. At age twenty-two you were most likely to find your soulmate, but you could also find them sooner or later. The nice thing about that was that you had up until you are thirty before you have to worry about not finding your soulmate. At thirty years of age, if you hadn't met your soulmate(s) you could get sick, or even die from lack of finding them.

Kwon Mingyu was now nineteen years old so the orphanage had kicked him out giving him an apartment with three months rent paid in advance and a crappy old flip phone to contact him. They had to give him a place to stay for a short while as a transition to a new life where he had to find a source of income and a new place to stay. They gave each kid three months to get their life together, and at the end regardless if they were financially stable, they were on their own.

After he finished staring himself down in the mirror, he stepped away to get dressed in his usually dark clothing. He pulled on his black skinny jeans with rips, and a dark purple cotton t-shirt. He threw on his only coat, a trusty leather jacket, and his scuffed up combat boots. He had to go to college anyways so why not look decent while he furthered his education?

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