Chapter II

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Mingyu arrived at his next class. He sat in his usual seat and pondered for a bit. He knew despite Taehyung's childish exterior, he was very observant, and that he knew that he was reading him and his friends. He'll have to write down all of their aspects to figure out their exact reading, and if Mingyu could trust his new potential friends.

Mingyu left his last class of the day and made his way back to his apartment, going home to his usual lonely dinner and a long night of homework. It was nearly four o'clock, and he had a cup of warm coffee from the cafe on campus.

He was excited to work with Jeongguk on the project, because of the benefit of winning, although, he probably wouldn't call him tonight. I mean Jeongguk was popular from the looks of it, and Mingyu was an invisible nobody with too many dreams in reality. He would do a whole bunch of researching tonight as he wanted to do as much as he could for the project to be successful.

His phone started ringing and Jeongguk's name appeared on the small pixelated screen of his old flip phone. He immediately answered the phone. "Hello?" His voice was a little lighter, an airy projection that he used when answering the phone. His anxiety was sky high, and his chest was tight.

"Hey Hyung, I was wondering if you could work on the project with me tonight?" Jeongguk's voice was deep, but breathy and sounded strangely nice in his ear.

Nerves frazzled, he answered the male on the other end of the phone, "Yeah, I can work on it whenever I don't have anything going on." Mingyu never had anything going on. He was forever lonely, but Jeongguk didn't have to know that.

"Great!" Jeongguk's voice was a little happier, and Mingyu could practically see the smile on the other end of the phone. "How about we work on it in about two hours? We can do the assignment at my place if that's okay."

Mingyu smiled softly. "Sure Jeongguk, just tell me where you want to meet up so I don't get lost when I try to find your place."

Jeongguk's heart sped up a little at Mingyu's words. "How about I pick you up from the Coffee Shoppe? It's close to the University and a little ways from my place."

"Alright, see you in about two hours Jeongguk." Mingyu pulled his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the apartment door as he reached home. A smile spread across his face as he said his goodbyes, and hung up the phone as he slipped off his shoes.

He made a bee-line for the fridge, grabbing out the milk and pouring a tall glass of it for himself, as well as a packet of Pocky sticks. Chocolate was a must-have for doing homework, as well as a good glass of milk to wash it down. Mingyu walked over to the small dining room table in the corner, doing all of his homework before doing some research on several things that would benefit the college.

An hour and a half later, he found himself walking towards the university, to the famous Coffee Shoppe, where the best coffee in the surrounding area was made. He brought money just in case something caught his eye, but he was trying not to spend so much money, due to his current lifestyle. In two and a half months he was going to be kicked out of his apartment, and he'd be totally on his own. It was scary, but he was slowly accepting it little by little.

The bell on top of the door rung out as Mingyu walked in the little Cafe, the heated air warming up his cheeks from the cold air. It was late November after all, and it was soon going to be winter.

Looking around, he didn't see Jeongguk anywhere, just a couple on what he assumed was a coffee date, and a group of college students working on homework together. There was a short female barista standing behind the counter talking to what he assumed was a friend of hers in clothing that was a little less decent for the time of the year. Being as short as he was, a shocking 5'4'' he wasn't much taller than the barista, but with the heels that her friend wore he was about five inches shorter than she was.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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