Going to get some paint

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"Now answer me plz! what was that all about! I mean what brother tells u to stop making bots and just goes and decides not to go to his sister's presentation of her bots!!" Cierra screamed.

"Yah! That jerk!!! What kind of brother does that! I mean why did he say that non of your family was going to watch presentation!?!" Bethany screamed.

"Yah and the way he mocked us! Aw these are your bots, there so cute!!" Isaac said as i chuckled a little bit.

"Well it was kinda cute the way you guys were trying to kick him out. Btw who was on his back?" I asked

"Me! I almost had him too!" Bethany said with a little bit of anger in her voice.

"Yah I'm sorry about the way he mocked you. Well the routine is already fine." I said

"Hey what was your brother talking about you almost dying?"

"Well I didn't know that i almost died but.... It happened a long time ago....well last year in may. i made a gadget that helps cleans up scrap metal for my dad. Since my dad was also a bot maker he would leave a mess in his lab because of his bot leftover scrap metal. it work prefect fine for two months until one day..... it interfered with one of the machines causing a huge fire! Many great scientists were put in the hospital including my dad and I. The good news is that a huge percentage of the people that were put into the hospital lived. but sadly a few of the people that lived are..... lets just say never the same. But 5 people died including my dad. My dad died during surgery because of a heart attack, but before he left for surgery i got to see him, i was about to go for my surgery too and that's when he told me all that stuff and Philippians 4:13 and Jeremiah 29:11,"i grabbed my tablet and opened up my bible app and looked up Jeremiah 29:11 and read it out loud."which says, for i know the plans i have for u says the Lord they Are Plans for good and not disaster for a future and a hope. I love through two scriptures, and I keep them both dear to my heart." i said as I hugged my tablet. " Ever since then people kept teasing me, and many people hate me. the police still don't know how it interfered cuz it wasn't even on. They say it's not my fault but i know deep inside they know it is. how do i know? Because the way they treat me! But even through all of this i never stopped making bots, good thing though cuz.. I wouldn't of made u guys and girls. And I wouldn't of had some great friends." i said crying as i hugged my bots again.

"Wow seems like your live got kinda screwed up In the last few months." Jordan said.

"Yah at least something good finally came in my life again!"

"What was it?"

"You! All of u! Your the only people that make me laugh, I haven't laughed like this before i made u or before i watched Venturiantale."

"Well its like they say laugher is great medicine!" Isaac said

"Hey can u pass me my tablet plz i need to a Venturiantale video to take my mind off of what just happened."

"Sure! I'll get it!" Isaac said as he turned into a cube and shot my tablet into the air, Jordan caught it and gave it to me.

"Isaac, can u come here for a sec?" I said. He did in human form of corse. "No cube form, and Jordan put Isaac on my table plz." I said my bots obeyed. I noticed that isaac look kinda boring in cube mod.

"Fryebots cube mod plz." i commanded. They obeyed. I noticed they all looked the same. Crud! Again I can't enter them like this!!
"Fryebot human mode plz."

"Master kaela what's wrong?" Bethany asked.

"Ah!! Sorry! It's just.... You all look the same in bot mode!! I need find a was to spruce you 4 up! The judges also judge on appearances! There is no way i can win when your cube form looks bland!" I said.

"Oh thats easy!" Jordan said.

"How? Can you do something about it?" I asked.

"Yes!!" My bots answered in unison.

"You got two artists right here at your service!" Cierra said as she pointed at her and Bethany.

"Oh...yah! I forgot! Um... what are u going to paint?"

"You'll see!" Bethany said

"Ok but i don't have any paint so were going to have to buy some." i said

"Can't you just order it on one of your Machines?" Isaac asked

"No! That machine is broken! So we're going to have to go and buy some. just lets me put on my coat and we'll go!" I said as I walked into my clothing tube and got dressed.....

(Yay two chapters!!)

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