Chapter Four

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{A/N: I’m sorry that these chapters are like really short, it’s because I haven’t been around my computer or writing lately and it kinda sucks, so I’m very sorry.


{Songs for the chapter

Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana

Crushcrushcrush by Paramore

All Around Me by Flyleaf}

* * *

I drove home and shrugged my coat off, tapping my boots off on the rug and hanging my coat up on the rack. I smelled something wonderful, and I realized that I hadn’t eaten all day. I look around for Austin but he was nowhere to be found. My feet began to pad towards the kitchen. I open up the big white door and there was Austin with his back to me, facing the stove and pulling something out of it. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, but rather a cooking apron on and boxers. Oh my. My whole body tensed at the sight of his back contracting and pulling with his movements. He turned around and sets a glass baking pan onto the countertop with a heat mat under it. He took off the foil on the top and his eyes wandered until they reached me. Jeez, his eyes are smoldering. His countenance is clear that he is very happy to see me.

“Hi, baby.” He begins to walk towards me. Oh no. If he touches me, no doubt, the food will be cold. He opens his arms to me and I hesitantly walk in them. “What’s wrong?”

“What’re you wearing?” I giggled into his chest.

“I’ll be wearing nothing, if that’s what you’re suggesting.” He winked. God, such a sex-crazed boy. I rolled my eyes.

“Save that for tonight. I wanna tell you about my day,” I said, touching the bill in my pocket. Gosh, that was awful nice of that lady to do that.

“Okay. Everything’s ready. This is just a tater tot casserole. Took a while but I eventually got it. Get out some wine and pop it.” He told me. I did what I was told and walked over to the wine rack and pulled out some Pinot Grigio. Perfect. He brought the food to the table and I brought the wine and two wine glasses and set them down on it as well. We dished our plates and sat across from each other. I dug in, my mouth watering as I chewed it. Wow, Austin has really gotten better at cooking.

“This is really good, Austin.” I complimented him.

He chuckled, “Thanks. So tell me about your day. You seem happier than you usually are.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“This lady tipped me twenty bucks for no reason. I thought it was really nice, she was pregnant and she said that her family has been going through a tough time. I told her that if she ever needed anything that she could find me there and I told her my work schedule.”

“That was nice of you.” Austin said. I smiled.

“It comes naturally to me.”

* * *


The stupid pregnant woman came back about an hour later to the back alley where I was at. I huffed harshly as I got out of my car with my black hood up so she couldn’t tell who I was. She walked over to me.

“She works almost every day from nine to nine,” she told me. I didn’t speak. “So where’s that wad of money you showed me earlier?” And with that, I took my leather-covered hands across her neck and cracked it quickly. That was that. I left her body to rot in a dumpster a few feet away.

I got back into my car and took out my journal and pen that was in the glove compartment. I wrote down Kelsey’s work schedule. Now all I need is to find out Austin’s, and that was going to be easy. I looked up at the bright shining light a few feet away from me. That was that.

* * *


I was running to the store one day to get some groceries for the house. My cart was overflowing with food and other supplies we needed and Austin was at work. I always did the grocery shopping anyways and I fricken hated it. It always took at least four hours and it even took longer when you’re five months pregnant.

I was looking at laundry detergent and throwing it into the cart when I looked across the aisle to find a man in an all-black outfit with his hood up. The black hair was sticking up out of his hood and I was fixated on him. He tilted his head up slowly and half of his face was concealed with a black bandana with satanic crosses on it. I saw his brown eyes.


I thought he was in jail! How was he freed?! My heart instantly drops to the floor and I turn around quickly, acting normal as I could. I felt my heart racing and my lungs trying desperately to try to breathe. Holy fuck. He’s… here…

I walked to the checkout line which took twenty minutes in itself and during the whole time, I was looking around myself, trying to find the man in the black outfit. He was nowhere to be seen, and that scared the living shit out of me. When I was done checking out, I sat down near the checkout lines and pulled out my phone. A new text from an unknown number popped up.

Miss me, cupcake? –J

A course of anxiety started to run through my system. I couldn’t even hold my phone without shaking. And I had to walk out of here by myself. Fuck. I dialed Austin’s number and I stood up, running my shaking fingers through my hair.

“Come on, Austin. Pick up your goddamned phone.” I walked back and forth. With another five rings, he picked up.


“A-Austin…” I stuttered.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” His tone turned into a worried one. I swallowed harshly and I started to cry in front of everyone who was watching me. I ran my fingers through my hair again with anxiety and when I pulled my hand down from my head, my fingers and hand was shaking like leaves. “Kelsey, what the fuck is wrong?”

“I saw… I saw him.”

“You saw who?”

“Jacob.” I whispered and sobbed in between words.

“Where are you?”

“Walmart, I just checked out.”

“I’m coming to get you, just stay there and stay where people can see you. I’ll be there in five minutes, do not leave, you hear me?”

“Yes, I’ll see you soon, thank you.” I hung up the phone and sat back down. I wiped the tears off of my cheeks with my sleeve and my nose was running as well, and I wiped it away too. I was staring at my phone screen which was turned off and on my lap.

That was when I spotted the same man watching me froma cross the store.  

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