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My sad boy stared at me like he didn't know if he was going to bolt. 

and not only did my hand freeze, 

but everything froze. 

My breathing, 

my pulse, 

my entire body. 

and somehow I managed to nod. 

He took a quivering breath 

and I found myself doing the same. 

"The last time she called was the last time I saw her," 

His voice shook

"not counting recently,"

he added. 

His eyes were wide and feral. 

"She disowned me right after highschool," 

I bit the insides of my cheeks. 

"-because when I was 18 I took my little sister to the park, 

and I didn't watch her.

I was actually smoking with my friends. 

Then I turned to look at her again, 

and she was face down in the pond."

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