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A sudden chill cooled the warm night, everything was silent until a small ding! of a ringtone was heard from the pocketed phone in the young man's pocket. With a gentle grasp and swift movement, the phone was unpocketed and stuck into his large and rough hands. 

i need your help
meet at the main district park in ten

To say he wasn't pissed off with this half-assed excuse of a text was an understatement, he was fuming with rage. Gripping the phone tight in his fingers before throwing it, watching it as it fell from the great height he flew at. 

"Shit..." He whispered, hearing the gentle crack and thud of the phone landing onto the concreted road in the bustling city of Fukuoka. He ran a hand through his messy ash blonde locks, the usual pointy and unkept look being much more messed and untidy, making his sighs deeper that he couldn't look good when he was supposed to meet him. 

"Wait... Look good?" He thought outloud to himself, scowling at the dumb thought he had. "Fuck that." He grumbled but swooped down to pick up his phone, his big red wings flapping gently against the air, creating a dust cloud as the tip of his feet touched the hard planted sidewalk. A few cheers and whispered coversations happened back and forth, 

"It's Hawks! But what's he doing? He never publicly shows himself!"

"What's he grabbing? A phone?"

"I wonder what happened?"

Hawks ignored the words exchanged back and forth between his many supporters and even some unknown judgmental idiots. With a giant swing of his wings and slight smirk on his lips to fool his fans, he rushed off, ignoring the pleas of staying and the awes of the many women who once stood around him. He didn't care for the women who loved him, he was too occupied with him. 

He whooshed through the air, trying to turn on the obviously smashed up and broken phone. Another sigh, such a big sigh that he thought all the air in his lungs left him. The black screen stayed dark, not turning on no matter how many whacks, clicks or profanties, the phone wouldn't turn on. 

"Shit!" The second ranked pro hero cursed, shoving his phone into his hero costume's left pants pocket. He didn't need to check the time to know he still had a few minutes until he saw him again, for the first time in three years he would see that annoyingly gorgeous face, cocky smirk and playful bright eyes of the man he had loved since becoming a hero at the age of eighteen. 

With a final whoosh of his wings, and the firm plant of his hard leathered shoes onto the dirty grass of the main district park. 

"Keigo...?" A faint whisper of a ghostly voice intruded Hawks' thoughts, making a pale complexion take up his usually handsome face at the suddenly shocking realization that he was here. He was here after three years of silence, three years of climbing the Pro Heroes ladder to glory and success without even texting the man he deemed he loved. 

"On first name basis, are we? I'm sorry but I don't think I know you." The pro hero snapped, about to spit another insult before he turned around, his back no longer facing the man, and he felt himself freeze. His body felt weak under the intense stare of him. 

"I need your help." He whispered, taking Hawks' hands. "Please." He whispered once again, squeezing the rough exterior of muscled skin on the hand of the man he loved. 

"You..." The rush of heat came to the pro hero's face no matter how much he wished for the reddness to go away, amazed by the sudden affection presented after he was closed off for so long. "You need help? You think I'd help you?" He snapped, pulling his hands out of the grasp of him

"Keigo, I-I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have left but I had to." He gasped out, tears swelling up and making his beautiful face even more delicate with the salty, wet tears rolling down his smooth skin and dripping off his chin onto his shirt and the green grass. The tears seem to cower in concern, the nonhuman living organisms almost seemed alive, silently asking the man not to cry. At least, that's what Takami saw as he shrunk under the pressure of guilt. He hated making him cry, his lip always quivered and his eyes trembled, making him look innocent and vulnerable under everyone's gaze. Usually he looked handsome, sexy even but when he was emotional and upset, he was adorable, almost like a child with his baby eyes. 

"I-I..." Keigo stammered, something he never did. "I'll help you."

His gaze immediately softened and his tears stopped falling, a bright smile taking up his already handsome features. "You mean it, Keigo!? Thank you so much!" He reached out to wrap his arms around the No.2 hero, but said hero was quick to dodge the muscular arms. "This doesn't mean we're on a clean slate." He snapped, extremely moody. 

"Yes, yes, of course." A chuckle left his lips, a soft smirk-like smile. "I'm glad to see you again, baby." He cupped Keigo's cheek, his thumb underneath the bird-like man's chin. He gently lifted the hero's head up to face him, their personal spaces being invaded as their lips began to brush together. 

"(Y/-)... (Y/n)..." The name sounded foreign on Tamaki's tongue as their lips pressed together into a passionate and long-awaited kiss. Keigo's hands grasped at the gentle (h/c) locks of the man he loved, their kiss becoming a long make out session. 

Their lips disconnected, a string of saliva between them. (Y/n) placed his forehead against Keigo's, soft pants leaving his mouth from their breathtaking kiss. "I love you." A faint whisper, three words and all (Y/n) could do was chuckle at Keigo's words. 

"I love you too." He said after three long years, rejoiced to finally be with his long-term boyfriend -if he could still call him that- after being away for so long. 

Everything for the moment seemed content. The men seemed happy, pressing kisses on each other's faces continously and giving one another a hug. 

A smirk made it's to someone's face. A man familiar to the two lovebirds, hidden by the trees and his quirk, a camera in hand as he took photos of the two. Their reputation laid in this one villain's hands and he was more than prepared to use this to his advantage. 

"Thank you very much." The villain chuckled darkly, his whisper echoing across the park and leaving an unknown chill to go down Hawks' spine. 

"(Y/n)... What's going on?"

"I did something terrible."

𝐇𝐢𝐦 || Hawks x M!Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें