The end....(for now)

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*A/N - this poem is based on real life so pay close attention*
Im done, for now
Yes, this is the end
I'll come back later
Good bye old friend
You have been here
For 2 years
Goodbye old friend
Wipe away your tears

Im done for now
Yes, this is the end
I'll come back later
Goodbye old friend
I need to go
But I promise I'll come back
Rain or snow
And that's a fact
I will come back soon
Or maybe much later
Goodbye old friend
Its been a pleasure to be a creator

Im done for now
Yes, this is the end
I'll come back later
Goodbye old friend
This place has been my haven
But its time to leave the nest
I'll come back later on
I wish you all the best
All my readers, followers
Everyone that's here
Thank you for coming
Wipe away all the tears

I can't promise I will be back
But I promise I will try
Goodbye friends and readers
Adios, Au revoir, Goodbye.

Yeah, I'm going to go for a bit. Maybe I'll explain why when I hopefully come back, maybe not. Maybes it will forever be a mystery why i left😂 but I will try to be back. And when I come back I will try and post more poems and please send requests so that when I come back I can fulfil all your wishes. Thank you, goodbye.

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