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**Pika's POV**

As soon as the announcement went off, I ran to where the beginning of the obstacle course was. This would be the best way for me to help. I ran to the sleeping robots and started commanding them to defend the students.

**Rin's POV**

I froze when I saw the fires rising up. I saw a group of General studys students surrounded and I quickly created a pathway of fire for them to escape through. A couple of them patted my arm as they ran by. I saw a few of my classmates run by me as they escaped with other students.

"I was so worried about you!" Kyoya shouted as he tackled me.

I was smiling as I hugged him. Then we ran to the announcer booth. But there was only Present Mic and Deku.

"Your dad ran off to look for you and your sister."

We heard a loud bang and had a interesting view. Overhaul's body flew up and then got grabbed by large tentacles. Now I know to never piss off Kyoya's dad because that looked terrifying.

"Go dad," Kyoya whispered.

We ran out of the announcer booth to continue looking for my parents.

**Kyoya's POV**

The screams, I could not stop hearing the screams. We finally found Rin's dad and the whole area smelled of burnt feathers. He was slowly burning Hawk's wings to the base.

"Get away from my father!" Rin shouted and I had to move away from him due to the heat.

That caused Endeavor to back away and he started shooting the fire feathers at him. I ran forward and quickly helped him up. I knew we had a time limit to get him to Timewind.

"Rin! Take your dad and go!" I shouted to him before blasting Endeavor in the face.

"I can't leave you alone with him!"

"Your dad is a civilian! Our future job is to keep civilians safe."

He gave me a worried look before grabbing his dad and flying off. I started running as I felt the heat rising behind me.

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