Get to know the author

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Are you a morning or night person?

Night person definitely I usually stay up all night and sleep most of the day

Are you afraid of the dark?

Yes yes yes and yes I just feel like a hand is going to grab me out of nowhere 😂

Are you an extrovert or introvert?

Online I may seem like an extrovert but in real life I'm the most introverted person you will ever meet and it's also a coincidence that my favourite anime character is Tamaki Amajiki 😂

Are you double jointed?

Yes I'm double jointed in my fingers in random places it's sort of weird and in my feet and legs

Are you left or right handed?

I'm right handed

Are you more of a tidy person or a messy one?

Oh god that's so easy I'm so messy like whatever room I'm in instantly turns into a mess in a matter of seconds

Are you on time or always late?

Eh well sort of in the middle I'm usually on time a lot because of my mother who gets angry if I'm not on time or anyone even my friends if they aren't on time 😳 she gets angry

Are you ticklish?

When I was younger I was but I'm not anymore

Can you curl your tongue?

Sort of 😂

Can you ice skate?

Barely if I go slow I can

Can you wiggle your ears?


Coffee or tea?


Cookies, cake or donuts?


Did you ever participate in a talent show?

Oh yes I did I sang a song with 2 of my other friends

Did you go to prom?

PFFF me go to a dance yeah no not happening

Did you like school?

No I hate it I actually have a choice if I want to go to school or do all my classes online since school is starting in a few weeks and I'm doing all my classes online at home because I don't want to socialize with people but that means I have to work so hard 😭

Do you believe in ghosts?


Do you bite your nails?

Yes it's a bad habit I get nervous a lot

Do you consider yourself a good cook?

Um I can make rice and Mac and cheese 😳 if that counts

Do you enjoy dancing?

Yeah but I look like a dying moose when I do

Do you enjoy DIY or crafts?

Yes but I always fail at them miserably

Do you forgive easily?

Yeah I guess except for this one person

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