~Loner's strive~

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The lights are dimmed

when half of the world is in dreams.

The clouds hide the shimmering stars

and the loner's strive begins..

Who am I? Why am I even here?

Soaking the pillow with every drop of tear?

Mindful of questions but no one to ask;

Don't we all hide our souls behind an invisible mask?

How'd the world look if I wasn't in it?

Would there be any difference,even a tiny bit?

No,I think. Cause,the universe is so vast..

Supine,I realize I'm just an emotional outcast.

"Stop feeling shit." they say.

But how do I do?

Some people are praying to live,

When some are crying not to..

With all the void questions crawling in my heart

I look up,in search of  the world apart;

My lips curl into a smile with a glinting eye

When the clouds revealed a star,why don't I let my hopes fly?..

                                                                                                   ~ A :) 23/08/20


When do you let your hopes fly?

And have you ever experienced the loner's strive? Share your thoughts in the comments section <3

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