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Beauty is - in the night wind that intoxicates.

Beauty is - in the lovers' eyes and haters' heart-melts.

Beauty is - when the morning dew tickles the plants.

Beauty is - in the silence full of thousands of words.

Beauty is - in mother's lap and father's "old-fashion" jokes.

Beauty is - in a kid's imperfect pencil strokes.

Beauty is - inside the person whom you reflect in the mirror.

Beauty is - when you step ahead in spite of the fear.

Beauty is - in chaos,full of peace.

Beauty is - in the penumbra's kiss.

Beauty is - in the poet's words,ink and old parchment.

Beauty is - in the long awaited denouement.

Beauty is - in the dreamer's eyes and feeling butterflies in stomach.

Beauty is - in the dazzling sunshine and in little things that you laugh over like a maniac.

                                                                                             ~ A :) 13/09/2020


//Beauty is inside you.//

//Beauty is in the moment when you feel infinity.//

//Beauty is in the words that you never speak out loud.. :) //

A/N: written imperfectly,just like the previous ones.. :)

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