Joshua Dilerentis

506 18 11

Markus Riker's POV

"I saw you go off together, so how was her head game?"
I faked a laugh at Jeremy's question.
"Oh come on! My boy Markus is better then that... you did it in the wood didn't you?" Ruben leaned his arm on Jeremy's shoulder in a confident manner.
I chuckled slightly before shaking my head.
"Nah guys, I don't know about this one. There's just something..."
"About the way she can take d!ck?" Jeremy cut in.
"I was going to say intriguing about her." I corrected.

"Not from what I see, she seems like every other stuck up, popular, teenage girl." Jeremy replies shaking his head slightly.
"I hate to agree with Jeremy... but, I agree with Jeremy." Ruben laughed.
"I have the bill for you guys whenever you're ready." The waitress, who's name I learned was Sarah said.
"I'll pay." I smiled.
The restaurant we were in had filled up from when we got here, and I wasn't really enjoying the conversation topic either.
It was a small restaurant for a small town. I had asked around on good places to eat and almost everyone I asked said to come here. Tony's Bar and family restaurant.

I payed the bill and we quickly got up and out.
"Ight boys, if you need me I will be at Claire's studying."
Jeremy made sure he put air quotes when he said "studying". We knew what happens. It's whats been happening since the night of the party, five days ago.
"Have fun." Ruben said.
Jeremy began to walk away.
"And use a condom, you don't want crabs!" I yelled after him, causing the people strolling the streets to stop and look.
Ruben and I laughed and walked in the other direction.

"Hey, isn't the her?" Ruben asked as he pointed directly at her.
The "her" who gives me butterflies.
The "her" who paints.
The "her" who doesn't like parties as much as people think.
The "her" who intrigues me so much. Only this time her hair was pulled out of her face, I'd only ever seen her hair down. She was wearing a big hoodie, and didn't quite look like herself. Almost as if she was trying to look different.
I grabbed Rubens arm and dragged him behind a large tree.
"What are we doing?" Ruben asked.
I focused my eyes on her.
"I just wanna see something." I whispered.
We watched as she walked down the street, autumn leaves crackling under her feet. We continued watching until she went up the front steps of a building, buzzed a button, and took a second before going in.
We walked from behind the tree and to the building.
"Bayview." Ruben read the from sign out loud.
"What's Bayview?" He asked.
I looked at him dumbfounded.
"Like I would know." I replied.

The sudden rumble of a motorcycle startled us into looking behind us to find a guy who looked familiar.
We started to walk away.
"Hey!" The man on the motorcycle shouted.
He turned off his engine and walked over to us, with his black leather jacket open and his helmet in hand.
"You're Markus- uh, Tiker? Right?" He asked.
Ruben laughed.
"It's Riker but, yeah. Do I know you?" I asked.
He shook his head.
"Nah, small town. News travels fast. Especially when that news is around Oaklyn Reyes."
I smiled.
"I'm Joshua, Joshua Dilerentis." He stuck out his hand and I attempted to shake it before he did a weird handshake I didn't know.
"Don't worry man, you'll get it." Joshua laughed.
"I'm Ruben, by the way." Ruben cut in.

I watched as Joshua did the same to Rubens hand.
"Hey man, do you know what this place is for?" Ruben pointed to the building Oaklyn went into.
"Didn't you guys read the sign?" Joshua asked before going to the sign and removing some weeds that had grown over it.
Now exposing what the sign fully said.
"Bayview Housing For The Mentally Ill." I read out loud.
Ruben and I exchanged a look.
"Yeah, I wouldn't go in there. Just a whole bunch of Crazies." He added.
"Anyone you know?" I asked.
"Nah, no one knows anyone from there."
I'm sure Joshua saw right through my puzzled look.
"Okay, well I'm in a rush... I'll see you guys around." Joshua said before quickly disappearing into Tony's.

I do not own any photos included in this chapter.
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-xoxo J.R

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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