Chapter 1 { Pups?}

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"Eren, you fucking idiot. Can't you do anything right?"

This is the fourth time Levi, My Lovely Husband, yelled at me for not cleaning the whole house 'properly'. Sure I love him.. But the problem is, that I have a slight anger issue.

"Well! Maybe if you stopped going out with Erwin and Hanji to drink every damn night there wouldn't be any problems!" I yelled at him, not even turning around to face him.

"How does that solve that problem?!"

"Well, that you could help me clean! Like the good ol' days. But you rather drink then spend time with me!" a tear started running down my cheek and I just gritted my teeth to avoid crying. He didn't even bother to reply, he just stood there behind me, an awkward silence suspense formed.

I started walking to the bedroom when an arm wrapped around my waist.

"What th-!"

He silenced me by putting his lips on mine, oh god I forgot how well he knows me, I got lost in the kiss Moving my lips to his rhythm, turning around properly to face him and wrap my arms around his neck. He then pulled away, caressing my cheek and wiping my tears away.

"I'm sorry, alright? I didn't mean that, it's just I missed drinking I guess and hanging out with those assholes. I have to admit, that I nearly forgot I had a wife." He chuckled, and I just pout. 'nearly forgot?'

I pull away from his embrace and cross my arms against my chest.
"WHAT, you nearly forgot me?! You could've cheated on me-"

"Eren, I may have nearly forgot you, but I swear I could never cheat on you."

I wanted to smile, but the situation in hand, I just couldn't. How could I know he was not cheating on me? Sure I trusted him dearly, but with my anger issues, negative thoughts pop out in my mind.

"If you love me so much.. Why don't you show me?" I grinned at the idea, but also face palmed in my mind. 'Really Eren! That's all you got, you fucking loser.'

I swear I saw Levi smirk for a second there, but then in an instant disappeared. He started walking towards me and I could only fear the worst, whenever I 'stir him up' as he says, it always turns out...Amazing, yet scary.

"You fucking brat, do you know what you do to me?" He said huskily.

I decided to play along for a bit. "Oh no Levi... I don't." I smirked at him while heading back to the bedroom, I stopped at the door way of the bedroom and gave him a side glance and saw him leaning against the wall, eyes locked on me.

"What are you waiting for, dear? ... AH... I see, you want me to get ready for yah, huh?"

He rolled his eyes and got up from leaning against the wall and started walking towards the bedroom, "Actually, stop with the games brat. I want to talk with you, which I have been meaning to, but I simply forget."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. "And what is that?" He pointed at the bed, "Sit, and don't talk until I say so. Got it?"

"Yes sir~!" I said cheerfully and sat on the bed. 'Wait, I feel like a dog. Ugh how stupid am I!?' He sat down next to me, and crossed his arms against his chest and his legs, one on top of another. He just, sat there in silence, looking down at the floor, another problem with me is that I'm really impatient.

I was about to speak when his voice interrupted the silence.

"First off, you're like a godamn dog, you know that right?" I mentally rolled my eyes, but I simply just nodded. "See, you even obey my orders. Alright anyways, I don't know if you've ever thought of this once, but I really want a pup of my own." He smirked at me. I immediately started blushing.


"I said not to talk until I say so. But yeah.. We've been married for 3 years now, and I guess I want to start a family now. Since I'm always at work and you're just.. Lonely all the time."

Wow. He actually noticed that I was lonely. Kids weren't always, wait no, never were a topic in this house. I always gave him time to think, but then I got use to idea that he didn't want any kids. But this totally surprised me. Am I really going to be a mother?

"I.. Don't know what to say." I said softly, turning the other way so I couldn't face him. I could feel his glare on me.

"So, you don't want any... k-kii-k. Ah godamnit, I'll just refer to them as damn pups."

I giggled softly, I guess it was time after all.

"Yes.. Levi. I would love to have pups."

That night.. I guess you could say we didn't get any sleep last night. Also, we literally went at it like dogs.

(A/N); Okay, first of all, this is like my first time writing a fanfic. If you noticed I really suck.
Also why fem!Eren? I thought it was very cute.. & I need Ereri babies. But yea I want to continue this story! Let's see if I can keep this up, sooooo I hope you enjoyed it, I was running out of ideas to write at the end because bleeeeeh. I'll write longer chapters later on. Also, if you didn't notice this is in Eren's POV, hehe. I'll have Levi POV. But that can wait.

My Lovely Dog (Fem!Eren x Levi)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora