Chapter 30

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Michela's POV

I loved going to new places. There was nothing better than going somewhere you had never been before, and taking in your surroundings for the first time. There's a whole new feeling to where you are, and no one knows you. I thought that was the best part; not knowing anyone. Instead of walking on the sidewalk and seeing looks of pity, or lately, disgust, there wasn't a look at all. There were no stares, just people casually walking along as if it were just another day. 

Because to them it was just another day. To them, they woke up that morning and decided to visit Hanson, a small historical town in California that offered many different activities and eateries. It was a place to walk around all day with your boyfriend. It was a place to forget about home and have some fun. I wandered down the sidewalk with Harry, his hand in mine, watching people walk by me.

I knew I must of looked like a freak, walking around, blatantly staring at people, but I couldn't help myself. They looked like normal people, with normal lives and families. It was something I wasn't very used to. The last time I had seen such normality was in Arizona, but even there, it was a bit crazy. Here, there was silence. Of course there was low chatter around the small town, with some laughter and even a bit of cheering from a bar with a live band, but it really did feel silent. 

I felt like even though there was tons of noise, it was dead silent all around me. I realized it wasn't silent, but peaceful, and that was something I had truly never experienced. I felt Harry watching me as well. I was still furious with him. But, even though I didn't want him to be, I knew he was right. At the moment, I felt I was battling with alcohol. Not heavily, but usually, with stress came drinking. It was something I grew up with. 

I had an eerie feeling when the thought entered my mind. The latest knowledge of my bad memory left me feeling a little barren. What else did I not know about my past? Growing up, living with my family, making friends, going through school, it was all a distant blur. Glancing up at Harry, I saw that he was looking ahead, a small smirk on his face. I let him be, continuing with my own thoughts. It was obvious that there was a past I had that no one was informing me of, and Harry knew it. Getting it out of him, that would be the challenge. 


"You'll love it here," Harry told me, pulling out a chair for me to sit in. Lowering myself into my seat, I took in my surroundings. It was a quaint place, with round tables across the floor adorning small wooden seats. There was a piano in the corner, which sat with a large amount of dust across it. Harry sat us on a higher leveled part of the restaurant, which was secluded with a railing facing the rest of the restaurant, and boxed in with walls on the other sides. Lining the walls were worn down bookshelves, holding books that had to have been centuries old. I turned myself a bit to run my fingers across the books, feeling the rough texture of the worn out spines. Pulling away, I noticed a fair amount of dust on the tips of my fingers. 

"It's very dusty," I told him, turning to face him again. I neer failed to admire Harry's beauty. His hair had definitely grown longer, curling a bit more at the ends. His eyes were growing a bit darker, not the same emerald green from when I had first seen him again so long ago. His entire body had bulked up a bit, and he had noticibly grown in height. He smiled at me with tired eyes, and I knew he knew I was still upset with him. 

The thought crossed my mind that maybe there was something else going on that I didn't know about with him. He seemed visibly on edge, and when he asked me about the alcohol, it wasn't because it was a thought that casually came to his mind. There was a reason.

"So what has your mind?" I asked him, waiting for an answer. He shrugged, directing his attention to a waitress who was coming our way. She was irrevocably beautiful, like someone you would dream about. I found it funny that she would be working her of all places. Her bleach blonde hair, obviously from a bottle, was in a perfect braid that trailed down her back. I could see her bright blue eyes from where I was sitting across the room, watching Harry with an intense stare. 

She approached us slowly, her hips swaying from left the right as she walked. She was thin, or thin compared to me. I instantly felt small compared to this woman. She eyed me with distaste before turning her attention to Harry, batting her long eyelashes to him. 

"Hi. I'll be your waitress today, Sarah. What can I start you off to drink?" Putting her hand in her apron, she pulled out two small menus. Handing one to Harry, she waited. I sighed, loudly enough for her to hear. She held out my menu, only for me to snatch it from her hand. I fought off the urge to growl at her. It was blatenly obvious that I was here with Harry as something more than a friend, and she was working for God sake. Some people amazed me. 

Harry looked at me with a small smile on his face. "What do you want to drink baby?" His words instantly calmed me, sending warmth throughout my body. He could tell that the woman, Sarah, was causing me distress. I glanced at the menu, taking my sweet time looking over the drinks, even though I knew I was going to order water. I heard the impatient sigh of Sarah, which only made me go longer. 

"While she looks, can I get you anything?" She spoke up, directing her attention to Harry once again. 

"Ladies first," Harry told her, leaning back in his chair with a smirk across his face. He was wearing it a lot lately, although I couldn't blame him. It was quiet amusing. I finally looked up from my menu, setting it down on the table in front of me. 

"I'll have a water." She shook her head, not even bothering to write it down on her notepad. 

"And you?" The way she spoke to him made my skin boil. I leaned forward in my seat, resting my elbows on the table, watching Harry with a amusement, waiting for him. 

"I think I'll go with water as well." She nodded, jotting it down in her notebook as if she would forget. I scoffed, shaking my head and reaching across the table for Harry's hands. Lately, I had been feeling a little bit over protective of Harry. It became clear to me that I would need to be fighting off more women as time went on, but I wasn't too worried. Harry didn't give any of them a second glance. 

Looking down at our hands, Sarah let out an angry breath, stalking away. I shook my head, closing my eyes. I knew it was going to be a long lunch. 

"Jealous are we?" Harry asked, tugging on my hands. I opened my eyes, glaring at him.

"Why do you have to be so fricken' pretty?" I asked. 

"I didn't know I was pretty," he mused, giving me a cheeky grin. I pushed his hands away, giggling. "I was more hoping to be hot, maybe even sexy. You know, I could even go for handsome." He began to laugh as well, and we both filled the almost empty place with our laughter. 

Our drinks came, and Sarah began to speak as soon as she set down the glasses. "What will you have to eat today?" As before, she barely glanced at me, but Harry gave me his full attention. 

"Can I have a cheeseburger, no onion or tomatoes, with fries?" I asked, handing her the menu with the same attitude she used giving it to me. She made a scribble in her tiny book and took the menu from me. Harry ordered the same as me, keeping his eyes locked on mine the entire time. Realizing she would get no where with him, Sarah picked up the menus and stalked off, leaving Harry and I. 

"Really Harry, you seem a bit tense. Tell me what's been going on." Harry hesitated, clearly wanting to avoid the subject. I sighed, gazing around the place again. The doors opened once again, and I quickly scanned the couple that walked in. Before I could turn away, my eyes widened, my jaw hitting the floor in shock. 

"Harry," I whispered, nudging his foot under the table. He looked up at me, but I pointed to the two new occupants of the restaurant. "What are they doing here?" I asked him, my hands shaking. Before he could answer me, I felt his eyes on me. 

Aiden was watching me, clearly set on one thing and one thing only. Getting to me. 

Hannah walked on the other side of him, her eyes glued to Harry. I groaned, sinking down in my chair. It would definitely be a long lunch. 

Author's Note

Hey guys! This was super short, I know, but I completely forgot that today was Wednesday! Anyway, I hope I left a bit of mystery, and I hope you can hold out a little longer. Maybe I'll update this weekend, but if not, then definitely next Wednesday! 

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