Lucas fell off of his bed. He noticed he still needed to get ready for bed so he brushed his teeth, changes and was about to go to bed. BLINK! Lucas' phone beeped. He picked it up, it was Maggie

Maggie Yo bitch wasssup MY FAHITA BE COOKING AND I COOKED A RAT         
Lucas Are you high mag?    
Maggie You got anmoe bear at ur plce i drank mime
Lucas So your drunk?
Maggie bithc gibe me ur beer
Lucas How old are you?
Maggie saMe aS u bch
Lucas I'm coming over
Maggie FUCK YEA! Brang the bear *Sends location*

Later at Maggie's place

"Alright Maggie i'm here!" Lucas yelled. Maggie responded, "Did Ya brang the bear?!?" Lucas realized that he had a date with the devil and wasn't coming back. "I got you a big bottle of water, not bear." Maggie sighed and drank the water. She was already calming down and had a decent grasp on life again. "I feel like throwing up," Maggie casually said then ran to the sink. BBBBBBBBLLLLLLLLEEEEeeEEGGGGGhhhHhH vomit spewed from Maggie's mouth and you can see exactly what she had for dinner. "So where is that fajita and rat?" Lucas searched around for what Maggie supposedly cooked. "Gone, reduced to atoms," Maggie replied.  "Well i'm not walking back to my house so I guess I am sleeping here. "I CALL THE FUCKING COUCH!!" Maggie yelled and jumped in and slept. 

The next day came and they went to school. It was lunch and a free period so they had a lot of time to do stuff. While eating, a rare thing came upon them, the most popular kid in school took a swing around the cafeteria. Alex Raymond, the popular, athletic, and smart kid in school. They were the stereotypical type at first glance, the type of character you would find in a Indie film or bad book. This is all at first glance though. 

Alex walked through the cafe and was clearly there for something, but no one knew what. Maggie asked, "Yo who's that new bitch?" Lucas responded, "Their name is Alex Raymond, most popular kid in school, and stop calling everyone a bitch." Maggie said, "Welp, time to say hi!" Lucas thought to himself that that would be the end of Maggie's career. Maggie said hi and Alex said hi back. The thing that surprised them the most was when Alex said, "Hey I like your style, your pretty cool." Lucas thought a few words, "Holy goddamn shit."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2020 ⏰

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