Let Me Die

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Michael Jackson was happy. Not the happiness he had been use to, the happiness that comes and goes. He was use to spurts of being happy, nothing consistent. His flashes of happiness came when he was writing or recording a song, visiting  a children's hospital, or hanging out with his younger friends, and of course performing, they all gave him flashes of happiness, nothing permanent. The happiness he  had been feeling lately was lingering, even increased. He noticed he was less stressed out and more eager to do his concerts so he could return home. He and Lisa had spoken everyday since he left for Singapore. She would make him laugh with jokes and make his stomach tighten when she talked dirty to him, it was almost more than he could bear. His tour would be over by December, Michael couldn't look at a calendar, December seemed too long. Lisa told him the best news he could possible ask for. Michael just got done with rehearsal and doing his OCD stage check when Lisa called him. He didn't really want to speak to her with his managers and a few friends in the car with him, their relationship was very hush hush, his associate picked up the phone and gave Michael a curious look. 

"Sir, someone named Lisa wants to speak to you." One of Michael's associates informed him. Michael quickly grabbed the phone and looked at everyone with a smile.

Taking the phone and smiling "My mother's new assistant." Everyone looked at Michael with blank looks, they began talking to each other. "How's everything?"

Lisa was trying  not to cry and sound upset, she knew Michael would worry, but she couldn't help it. She and Danny had reached a breaking point, she kicked him out of her house. It all started when Lisa and the kids, came home later than usual. Lisa had some errands to run and she stopped by Michael's condo, his Westwood hideout,  to make sure everything was in tact. When she got home, Danny had accused her of going behind his back and signing with a label. Danny held up a letters from CBS and Capitol Records and threw them at her. The kids started crying, which inflamed Lisa even more. She quickly ran them to their rooms and calmed them down. Once the kids were busy watching television and playing with their toys from New York, Lisa angrily went to confront Danny.

"What the fuck is wrong? Why is me pursuing music such a big damn deal to you?"

"You been lying to me Lis, this whole damn time you been lying to me! Why didn't you tell me you were shopping for record deals?" Danny said through gritted teeth. Lisa put her hands on her hips and shook her head.

"Are you shitting me? What's the difference between me looking for a deal and you? What? I have talent Dan, I do. I want to sing got damn it! I am good at it and I want to see if I can make a thing of it." Lisa shot back.

"You gotta be kidding me! I bet all you had to do was tell them your name and 'bam' the princess of rock got a deal! You think I can do that? Huh? Do you think anybody can just do that?"

Speaking slowly and with a shaky voice "Do you think I have talent? Do you?" Danny turned his head away and looked at the floor.

"What difference does it make what I think? My wife is the breadwinner and clearly wears the pants. Why did you marry me?" Danny looked at Lisa with sadden eyes.

Lisa eyes got watery and tears started to roll down her face, she didn't bother wiping them. "Because I loved you, I fell in love with a boy who was carefree and who saw me for me. Now? Now all I see and feel is envy. This isn't working Dan, nothing I say or do seems to make you happy. I don't know what do. I think-" Lisa stops, she tries to finish what she wants to say but the words are too hard to form. Danny was her first love and she was about to walk away from it. "Please go." 

"You been wanting to throw me away from some time. Is that what Michael Jackson told you to do?" A shock looked took over Lisa's face, she couldn't hide it or deny it. "You think you're the only one who got friends in this business?"

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