Keep the Faith

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Her head hurt and she couldn't make the hurt go away. The sensationalism and constant new details surrounding her friend was getting to her. She knew the allegations were bullshit and she knew how each day the louder the lie gotten the weaker her friend became. She knew he was trying to keep his shit together, however, whenever she would speak to him, she heard doubt and someone who had given up. She was afraid to ask him if he was suicidal, she knew he was taking pain killers which only lead to other demons. She struggled with addiction and alcoholism, she knew an addict when she heard one. His words were slurred and he was completely out of it the last few times they spoke. She had no idea who was around him, whoever was around him, weren't taken care of him. Last she heard, his nephews and Elizabeth Taylor were with him. The television was on and another breaking news flashed through, a new report about Michael Jackson was coming on, she turned off the television and threw the remote on the floor. It was almost 10:00 PM and she hadn't heard from her friend in almost a week. When she called she would get the same message "He isn't able to talk right now, please call again." Her stomach would be in knots waiting to hear from him. Last she heard, he had a breakdown during a rehearsal. He was immediately taken back to his hotel and sedated, at least that is what she was told. No one knew about their relationship, not even his family and especially hers. She wanted to call his family to get information, but what would she tell them her reason for concern "Hey, this is Lisa Presley, yes, Elvis's daughter. I been dating Michael for months and I wanted to know how he is doing?" That wasn't going to fly. She had filed for legal separation from Danny, which caused even a bigger headache. When her mother found out about she and Danny's separating, she and her mother's relationship became more tensed.

"Have you lost your mind, Lisa? Why do you want to ruin your life? The kids lives? I knew something was going on with you."

"I don't need this shit right now. Not now mom. There is so much going on-"

"Clearly! What's going on? You don't just leave your husband. Are you having an affair?"

Lisa looked at her mother and rolled her eyes. They were driving to a Scientology meeting, the kids were in the back, Lisa was trying to stay calm for their sake.

"Danny and I grew apart, it happens. We are two different people and he has issues with my name. He doesn't feel worthy. All we do is argue and fight."

"He said you got a record deal, is that true?"

"Yeah it is. I can sing. I wanna sing. I haven't signed anything. Danny looks at it as a threat. Ten Inch Men hasn't had success and he blames me."


"Because I am a Presley, mom! How can he live up to that name, hell, how can anyone? My name has never been an issue until now. Look, I don't want to talk about it. We just need space, maybe he can get his head on straight."

"So it's all his fault? He told me about you and Michael-"

"Mimi!" Danielle yelled loudly. Priscilla looked at Lisa as Lisa stopped the car at a red light. 

"Who is Mimi?" Priscilla slowly asked. Lisa looked back at her daughter and grinned, Lisa quickly wiped the grin off her face when she returned her attention to the road. Lisa turned on the radio to her favorite rock station, KRAQ. She looked at her mother and didn't say anything. Priscilla already knew the answer, she had a feeling Lisa was hiding something, she didn't know she was hiding her relations with Michael Jackson.

"Sweetie, please tell me you aren't seeing Michael Jackson? Please tell me you aren't."

"Hey this is Stephanie from KRAQ, here with you live! We got some breaking news, Michael Jackson has quit his Dangerous tour to focus on his child molestation allegations and to enter rehab. A reporter caught up with Gun N Roses guitarist Slash who worked with the pop star on several projects, including his recent album, 'Dangerous', and asked what he thought about the allegations, his direct quote "It's bullshit." Let's hope Slash is right. Here is Nirvana's "'In Bloom.'" Lisa looked at the radio and her face turned to worry. Priscilla studied Lisa's face and knew her suspensions were correct.

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