Chapter One

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I flicked my whip against the male weres' back. I smirked as he cried out for more.

"I think we're done for the night." I say as I take a step back.

"Char, please don't go. I can take more, I always can." His voice breaks at the end and I step back then drop the whip.

"What did you just call me!" I yell in anger. "I am your Alpha! Nothing more, never call me by my first name."

I then turn with disgust and leave the room, slamming the door shut behind me. I stalk to my office and into my private bathroom. I unlace my ice blue corset and drop it to the floor. I admire myself in the mirror with a smirk before changing into my regular pack house clothes. I run out the back entrance before I can be interrupted and make my way to my jeep. My baby, my love. I sigh and start her up. I shake my head as I think that the relationship with Falon, the were from the club has gone too far. I know I have to end it. At least he's not apart of my pack so I don't have to worry about that. I park my jeep and step out, I'm immediately suspicious. Silence is all around me, only one light burning in the pack house. I perk my ears and listen for intruders. Instead, I hear an ear splitting scream come from inside the house. I know that scream, it's my sisters.

Authors note: I was so nervous to even publish this. I want anyone and everyone's honest opinion.

A. Do you think it's a good story line or should I stop now and delete?

B. Updates will be longer than this. I just wanted to get a start on it.

Sorry for the slow updates. I kind of lost my passion for it.
Picture of who I incision Charlotte as!

:I own none of these pictures. Just found them online.

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