Introduction & Author's Note

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Introduction Note:

-I'm pretty new to Wattpad, so please bear with me as I figure out how to work it through!

-While this book will be written primarily in English, it will also have a decent amount of romanized Hindi (Hindi written phonetically in English). Certain moments & conversations just felt more authentic in the native language so just a heads up :)

-I'll be adding in translations for the Hindi as I still figure out how I want to go about that, but by all means if someone would like it now do let me know. Otherwise that is something I plan to take care of in the near future, around Chapter 5.

-may potentially contain some strong language, use reader discretion if that may offend you

Author's Note:

Telling stories was the first creative outlet I ever discovered and writing followed just short after. Something about wrapping the very human emotions and instincts we see around us into tangible characters and weaving them into story lines that revealed the most vulnerable parts of them was always cathartic to me.

These past few days, after almost a gap of 4 years, rediscovering these characters and this storyline inspired me to write again, and I couldn't be happier that I did. I found, that the catharsis was still very much there :)

I'm going to safely assume most of you are my friends reading from twitter so first of all, thank you so much for looking into this story! I really appreciate you guys supporting me regardless of the chaotic variety of content I put out, it's super empowering and it just means the world.

If you're a wattpad reader who's stumbled upon this story, hello to you too! I hope you find a journey worth going on & characters close enough to hold on to, as you make your way through.

Thank you:

Literally everyone who's helped me figure out Wattpad, motivated me to write again, and is reading this story. <3

Special thanks to Zainab, Vids, Sabu, Hafs, & Vaish for contributing each in your own ways to make this story happen (& for listening to my hours of ranting and theorizing). All my love.

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