The Sin Of Despair

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*~*My POV*~*

" Gidion!!! Gidion!! " Meliodas called. " I don't think that'll work cap'n " Ban said, in his usual slouched over position. " Eh? Why not? " He asked. " It's a hammer ya damn idiot! It can't hear you!! " He scolded, annoyed at his oblivious captain. " Oh right... " Meliodas said. " I guess I forgot " He shrugged. " Seriously? " King asked, floating around them on his green chastefol pillow.

~Somewhere else~

*~*Elizabeth POV*~*

" Is this your hammer? " I asked. The woman asked. She wore a tattered purple cloak that concealed her image. She held up a large brown hammer, way too big for any human to carry. I guess it's a good thing she's not a human. " Where'd you get that from? " The man asked, his eyes practically popping out of his sockets. " I guess not " She shrugged before walking away. That was the last person in this town. Off to the next one she goes.

~And Hour Later~

" Boar... hat... " She read outloud. She went into the nearby forest, and dropped the hammer on the ground, causing a small unnoticed tremor She opens the door, seeing a bunch of drunk men. She pulls down her hood, revealing a gentle face with blue eyes, and long white hair covering her right eye. She wears a gold earring with a blue circular jewel hanging from it, the design of stars and a moon inside.

" Hey it's a chick!! " One man yelled before guzzling down his beer. She ignores him, looking around. " Hello young lady, how may I help you? " A voice said. She looked down to see a blonde man, a little shorter then her. About up to her shoulders. " I am actually looking for someone, but I don't know who... " She said, a little confused. " You don't know who your looking for? That's strange " He said.

" Captain! I couldn't find Gidion anywhere " Diane said walking through the door. " Who's Gidion? " The whittete asked. " It's a giant hammer " The blonde shrugged. " Yeah I don't know how she lost it " A whittete chimed in, making the brunette roll her eyes. " Is it a wooden hammer? " She asked. " Yes " The brunette said. She suddenly walked back outside, and went into the forest. She comes back out holding the exact hammer they're looking for.

" Is this it? " She asked. Seven people run out the Tavern, forgetting about all of the paying costumers inside. " Yes!! How did you find it I've been looking everywhere for it " The brunette asked. " I fought some guys for it " She said.


" Where did you get that hammer from? Surely it couldn't be yours seeing how much trouble your having with it " She said, pointing to the fact that they needed 10 humans to lift it. It most likely belonged to a giant. " We stole it from some giant girl! Isn't it cool? " One guy asked. " That's not nice. You should return it. Give it to me and I'll return it to her " She said holding out her hands. The men share loud laughter.

" Your hilarious! We're gonna sell this for loads of cash " A big muscly one said. " Give me the hammer right now " She said, more serious than before. " You lookin' to pick a fight? " He asked cracking his knuckles. She punched him in the stomach once, and he went down hard. The others were terrified and ran off. That was their strongest guy. She shrugged and picked it up, walking to go find whoever owned the hammer.

~End Of Flashback~

" And that's how it happened " She shrugged, then suddenly the short blonde one groped her chest making her blush. " Well, I guess you should be more careful where you put your stuff Diane " He shrugged. " Captain!! You pervert!! " The one called Diane said while pummeling the man. It was already night time and drunk customers were stumbling out the tavern. The whittete yawned before falling out.

" Oh dear, is she okay? " A skinny brunette man asked. The black haired woman kneeled down next to her. " Yes she's fine. She's just asleep " She answered. " Really? " The brunette tilted her head. " She's passed out from exhaustion " She explained. They take her inside, to the blonde's bedroom.

~A few days later~

The whittete woke up, her blurry vision focuses as she takes in her surroundings. " What happened? " She asked sitting up. " You fell asleep " The blonde answered. " How long have you been awake? " The raven haired woman asked. " A few weeks " She shrugged. " Weeks?! I can't even go a full 24 hours without at least one nap " The small boy on the green pillow said. " More importantly, who are you? And why did you wanna return the hammer? " The raven haired woman asked.

" My name is Elizabeth. And I wanted to return the hammer because I know when I lose something I spend a long time looking for it, so I don't want others to waste so much time " She shrugged. The white haired man eyes the blonde for a quick second.'" Well I guess we should introduce ourselves as well. I call myself Merlin " She said. " My name's Diane " The brunette smiled. " My names king " The boy on the floating pillow said. " The names Ban " The silver haired slouched over man said.

" I'm Meliodas " The blonde man smiled while groping her chest. " Stop being a perv!! " Diane said while punching him. " I am Escanor " The Brunette man said. " I am called Gowther " The pink haired boy said. " We are the eight deadly sins " Merlin smiles. " There's only seven of you though " The whittete counted. " We're still looking for the last member. She's out there somewhere " Diane said. " That's sweet " Elizabeth smiled.

~The next morning~

The whittete steps out the shower, and changed into the outfit that was given to her by Meliodas. It's the Tavern uniform. It was a purple halter top with a matching sleeve on her right arm, a white skirt that was slit on the right side. It had a purple thigh high sock on her right leg with a white shoe on her right foot, and a purple shoe on her left foot, slightly showing a red wolf mark.

" You must be Elizabeth " A voice said. Elizabeth looks around. " Down here " The voice said. She looks to see an adorable chubby pink pig. " A talking pig?! So cute!! " She said hugging him. " Thank you " He said before letting out a happy snort. " So what's your name? " She asked. " Hawk " He smiles. Merlin eyes her left foot, to see the crimson wolf mark. She gasped. " The Eighth Sin " She whispered to herself.

~At the end of the day~

" Guys, I've found the eighth sin " Merlin announces, pulling Elizabeth along with her to the other room. " Really? " Diane asked excitedly. " Where is she? " Ban asked sitting up from his laid down position. " Your looking at her " Merlin said. " What?! Your the eighth sin?! " Meliodas asked Merlin. " How can you be two sins at the same time? " Ban asked. " No Captain, Ban. Elizabeth is the eighth sin " She said. They all gasped except Gowther.

" I'm surprised you all didn't already figure that out " He said. " You knew?! " Ban asked. " And you didn't tell us?! " King added. " I'm sorry, I guess I shouldn't have assumed that you all know the same things I know " He said. " You really shouldn't " Ban said.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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