Chapter 1

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"No!" I shouted holding Aunt May's body in my arms, as her blood kept flowing out of her frail body. May was coughing up blood. She reached her hand up and touched my face. "Peter..." She whispered, as her body went numb.

The beeping of the heart monitor filled my ears, as I looked at Aunt May's pale body in the hospital bed. I jolted as a hand rubbed my back. I turned to see MJ there, with her makeup running down her face. "Why did it have to be May?" I whispered underneath my breath. "It should of been me MJ, it should of been me." I said whilst I hung my head on MJ's shoulder. I couldn't stand being in that room with all of that sadness. I left the building and swung back to my apartment. The apartment was torn up like it had been searched. I grasped a handful of papers which had been left on the ground. "Only one person would do this," I whispered. "Kingpin."

"I need to kill him." I thought. I grabbed my blue and red suit. I looked at it. It didn't feel right. I need something else. I opened the suitcase at the bottom of my closet to find the cloth black suit. It felt better, I grabbed it and started to undress. That's when I felt that jolt again. It didn't feel right. I needed something better. Something more, extreme. 

"I know you're there," I whispered in the alleyway. Silence. "I need to talk to you." Suddenly two large white teardrops appeared out of the black. "Hello there spider..." Said Venom as he dropped in front of me. I wasn't scared. I was way past that now. I was angry. "I need to borrow something from you." I said to Venom. "What do you need from us spider?" asked Venom. "I'm asking Eddie, not you Venom. I would like to speak to Eddie." I said. The black ooze retracted to let Eddie appear. "I need the symbiote," I said. Eddie scoughed. "Why would I give you my other?" He replied. "Kingpin has put my Aunt May in a coma." I told him. Silence reappeared. "I knew you revealing your identity would come with no good." He said. He looked me in the eyes. "So what do you need my other for then?" He asked me. I took a breath. "I need to teach Kingpin a lesson about messing with Peter Parker." I replied. He patted my back. "You know? Whatever, sure take it, but only for 3 days. Then you will return it to me. Deal?" He said putting his hand out. I looked down at his hand which contained a small sphere of ooze. I didn't think twice. I grabbed his hand and shook it. "Deal,"


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