2. Crime and Punishment

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3rd POV.

The Whole of U.A. was a buzz that one of 1A's own had severely injured a fellow classmate it had been only a few hours since the incident Uraraka had been waiting patiently to visit Deku, no news had been given about his condition , and that terrified her the echoes of Deku's agonizing screams still plagued her thoughts and it made her heart hurt just thinking about it.

U.A. disciplinary board POV.

Nezu: Mr. Bakugou do you know why you are here?

Bakugou: Because Of Shitty Deku probably!

Both Aizawa and All Might were furious at this statement and All Might slammed his fist against the table silencing Bakugou further.

Nezu: You are here as a wake up call to not only U.A. but all Hero schools, you are here because time and time again you have shown not only a lack of care for true hero work but lack of care for those around you , you attack a student who was no longer a threat and this is not the first instance of you deliberately using excessive force against Izuku Midoriya in the past we have ignored this but I am afraid we can no longer do that. We have done considerable amount of research on your past with Midoriya and We are all greatly disturb by what we uncovered.

Bakugou was getting annoyed by this, but remained silent. Aizawa stood up with a list of documents

Aizawa: You have attacked Izuku Midoriya unprovoked on multiple occasions you have illegally use you quirk on him leaving several permanent scars, but this is interesting, two years ago you Told Midoriya to Take a Swan Dive off the roof a hope for a quirk in his next life.

All Might's Hatered for this child grew as did his shock upon hearing this.

All Might: You told Young Midoriya to kill himself? YOU ARE NOT FIT TO BE A HERO!

Bakugou was livid hearing that especially coming from the former no.1 Hero All because Deku.

Bakugou: Who cares Deku will bounce back he's like a cockroach you can never seem to get rid of him!

Aizawa: You're wrong What you did to Izuku can't be reversed, you didn't just hurt him, You robbed him of his Sight permanently and thus Robbing him of his future as a hero.(Aizawa turns to Nezu) I told you we should have been doing this since the beginning but this school has always cater to those with flashy quirks but now that a star pupil is maimed you decide to implement severe background checks and new regulations!

Nezu: You were right and I was wrong now to the matter at hand.

Bakugou looked with his Usual cockiness but that was about to end.

Bakugou: c'mon just tell me my stupid punishment so I can go back to class!

Aizawa began to laugh it freaked the rest of the room out.

Aizawa: You really think it's gonna that easy, that you are going to get some mediocre punishment and walk back to MY class room?

Bakugou was getting annoyed and slightly nervous at the way his homeroom teacher was talking.

Nezu: Katsuki Bakugou You are not Going back to class at least not Here at U.A. You are being Expelled.


All Might: You Deserve to go to Prison You deserve to get the snot beaten out of you and yes you deserve This, too bad that's all your getting!

Bakugou was distraught. He was being Expelled and would have to wait a year to reapply to any hero school not just U.A. He was angry and after a s shouting match he was escorted off the school property.

Back outside Izuku's hospital room Uraraka's POV.

I was finally allowed to see Deku but I found out he was now permanently blind it broke my heart but I heard that Bakugou is Expelled and Deku wasn't going to be dismissed from U.A. , but he would not be able to stay in the hero course this made me beyond sad and I couldn't imagine what it was like for Deku.

I sat by Deku who was laying on his side facing the wall.

Uraraka: Deku Are you awake?

Deku: Ye.. Yeah.( Whispers)

Uraraka: Well I Want you to know I'll always be here if you need help I mean I want to help you get better and We U.A. students have stick together no matter what department we're in, I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that like that.

Deku: Uraraka I am thankful to have a friend like you, but.

Uraraka nervously looked at Deku awaiting what he was going to say.

Uraraka: But what?

Deku turned to face the direction Uraraka was in he had tears leaking from his bandages. The sight was tearing her apart inside.

Deku: I'm not staying at U.A. in any department.

Uraraka: NO! You can't go, You've worked so hard you've lost so much you can't leave us, You can't leave me. please?.

Deku: I'm sorry but I have no place here.

Uraraka was in tears crying her heart out.

Uraraka: That's not true you belong here with me

Deku: I'll only hold you back Uraraka find someone else someone better.

Uraraka did the only thing she could think of sing a song meant for Deku a song she wrote with Jiro's help.


I need you right here by my side
Your everything I'm not in my life
We are indestructible, we are untouchable no one can take us down tonight you are so beautiful it should be criminal will you be mine, we will make it out alive
I promise you my love will never die.

No matter what I got your back
I'd take a bullet if it comes to that, I swear to God til the bitter end We'll be the last ones standing.

(Uraraka stops singing)

(Lyrics and song are by Papa Roach)

3rd POV.

Whilst Deku was moved by Uraraka and her song he still felt he couldn't be what she needs even if he loved her which he did how could he not she was his first friend at UA, and after that song he was even more in love, but to force her to be with him as the burden he was would be beyond selfish and he could not bare to hurt her like that he turned away from her and had the nurse escort him to his soon to be vacant room. This was his last night at U.A. but he had one last thing he had to do pass down OFA he had called Mirio Togata and convinced him to become the tenth holder for OFA Mirio was very hesitant to accept but did to honor his friend's wish Deku did not tell anyone else about it not even all might , he left a not for his teachers and classmates it was a letter of goodbye. He returned to his mother that night the next day Class 1A had been given the news they were devastated but Uraraka was heart broken they had all tried to call and Contact Deku but No one ever answered.

But what Deku didn't know it that he was not getting weaker but stronger it wouldn't be long before someone noticed.


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