Chapter One: Falling

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"Aw, come on..."

"You know I hate heights!"

"Just this once?"

Luke sighed, trying to hide his grin as he gazed into his best friend's eyes. "Alright. But only for you."

Zander gave a bright smile that he only wore around Luke. It made his heart warm at the sight of it.

"See?" Zander said as he pulled Luke up onto the tree branch. His legs trembled. "It's not that bad!"

Not that bad. Luke could laugh. His knuckles were pale white as his hands held firmly onto the tree branch. Though the branch seemed sturdy, his legs still quivered.

Don't look down, don't look down, he told himself over and over.

"Look!" Zander pointed to the silhouette of the cityscape. The evening breeze wrapped around the two of them, whistling gently in Luke's ears. He had never seen a sunset before - not here in the city. But the colours painted across his eyes were more beautiful than he could have ever imagined.

The sky was a perfect shade of watermelon red, melted into a gorgeous shade of amber. Fluffy clouds streaked across the sky, the sun looking like a giant white supernova as it sunk into the ground. He could just see the lake, which rippled with red and orange, reflecting the wonder above.

It was so dream-like, Luke had to blink for a few moments to believe it. Were the deep purple clouds floating peacefully across actually real? Was the beautiful shine in the water actually there? This amazing - no, stunning scene before him... It had to be a dream.

Yet he didn't wake up. For a moment, his fear of heights vanished. His shoulders relaxed as he watched the leaves flutter in the breeze. It was perfect. Sitting here with Zander, basking in the remaining sunlight as the summer days led on. If only a kiss could've been included... 

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Zander said, his voice hushed in awe.

"Definitely," Luke nodded. He stared straight at him - he couldn't help it. Ever since he laid his eyes on him, he knew something was special about him. Maybe it was the soft periwinkle eyes that glittered under his purple curls. Or perhaps it was the devilish grin on his face that made Luke's spirits rise every day.

"This is definitely my favourite tree now," Zander laughed, leaning back. Luke admired his confidence. Perhaps one day, he could overcome his fear and the two could sit like this all the time, enjoying sunsets together.

"And why's that?" he asked.

"Because this is the only tree that you've climbed up here with me," said Zander, turning to face him. Luke's heart beat faster. "It's another place where we built so many memories..."
"I really hope we never lose them," sighed Luke.

"I know I never will," said Zander.

"Same," Luke said. "You know..."

His heart was racing, and he could feel his face warming, though the breeze was soft and cool. He took a deep breath, looking into the amethyst depths of Zander's eyes. It calmed him.

"I actually have something really important to say," he began slowly.

For a moment, he thought he saw something like a hopeful smile brush Zander's face. Luke scooted closer towards him, and gently placed his hand on his throat. Zander's heart was beating as fast as his.


And suddenly, he was falling. The soft glow of the sunset had disappeared. The comforting presence of his childhood friend had vanished. His heart wasn't racing because of him now - it was filled with panic and shock. His surroundings blurred around him as he fell, and a sharp pain seared in his head as it hit something hard.

Everything was growing darker. Yellow spots danced before his eyes. He could hear Zander screaming his name somewhere. It sounded like he was crying. The last thing Luke could remember was Zander kneeling beside him as his vision went black.

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