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guh... Why can't this stupid Game let me past this Demon Level?! It's so frustrating!.

"Miss Y/N. this report needed Signing due to this afternoon " Someone knocked from outside my office.

I immediately Put my phone inside my pocket and opened my files.

"You may come in." I Let him in the office and he passed me the papers

"is that all that needed To be signed  this afternoon?" I asked

"Also The department head of  Marketing team has asked for a meeting to all the department heads it's urgent.." he said while giving me more paper that's due today.

"When is the meeting?" I asked still not leaving my sight at the paper I'm signing.

"It was supposed to be held this evening with the directors but it was pushed back to Tomorrow Morning."

"I thought it was urgent? How come It was pushed backed?"

"One of the board of directors have fallen ill and is currently bedridden so we have to adjust. while the president is out for a meeting with the Korean Embassy."
He explain while taking the papers that I signed.

"Thank you. You may go" he bowed and quietly went out of the door. Once I knew he was not in the vicinity I took my phone and opened my video game app once again.

Okay now that's out of the way I needed to get this one out the door.

I am currently in a level 80 boss fight for duo in which I invited my friend who is currently top 1 in the server. I never met him though.

'What the heck?! Why did you just stand there?! You let me died! 'I was cursing the guy I paired up because he just stand there and let the boss kill me.

'What the-?! I'm out of potions?! What luck!'

"Ano... Miss Y/N.... Vice president Takeru has asked for your presence in his office." A slightly meek voice was heard.

"Tell him I'll be there after lunch." I told the girl who seemed like his secretary. Takeru Is the vice president of the company though he is quite young he got skills.

I mean..  I am young myself so I have no right to judge.

'Oh.. the game!' I completely forgot that I was in a middle of a boss fight

[You completely froze..what's the problem?] He asked in voice chat

[I'm got busy for a short second it was quite important.] I replied while setting up my computer.

[I think we should retire for the day I still have stuff to do and my work is piling up. If I remembered you still have work at this time. So I'm gonna send u an invite when I'm free.] I told him while trying to finish of the boss.

[I'm currently on break besides I finished my work before I started playing. Ugh. This is hard for a level 80 boss.] He told me while he was powering up.


[YOSH! That tooked awhile.. and because it's done I'm gonna go ahead and log out see u next time!]

[Yeah. Go ahead I'm gonna stay for a little longer I still have 30 minutes break. Ja ne] still the monotone type of voice after the boss fights...

[I'll be out now bye!] I pressed logout and closed the app I rested the phone at the desked in case there are immediate call needed to be answered.


Phew! It's already closing time I had a rough day. First I have to meet up with vice president Takeru for the monthly sales and stats of the Stores.

It's hard to be an adult..

Lying in my bed still is the best comfort ever!

Speaking of which I think I saw Izumi message my phone this morning. It's very odd for her to reach out this sudden? I'll go give her a  call.




(Izumi you texted me this morning what's up?)

(Oh. You received it I'm glad. So I was gonna tell you I was back in town..but I kinda have a situation going on.)

(That is really like you Izumi. So what's the problem?)

(My dad kinda had a huge debt and was suddenly passed to me the moment I went to his theater.)

(Yukio-San has a debt?! So how much are we talking about?) Now I'm seriously worried for this girl..*sigh

(Like...10,000,000 yen?.. ) WAIT-WHAT?!

(That much?! How did he end up with that amount anyways?! Did that money piled up because he left?.) Woah that's a lot if you asked me

(so when I went to find him because I got a letter addressed to him at our doorstep I asked mom to let me seach for dad. And since I'm already a adult she did let me. But when I found the theater it was in the verge of demolition,

at first I was hesitant and denial that maybe I was mistaken but then there is this  yakuza who told me I am gonna regret if I get involved at the business and I got curious as to why he would say that.) That was long Izumi. You need to breathe.

(And now Yukio-San is involved with the yakuza?!) I'm shocked Yukio-San was a clean man if I remembered.

(That's not all it seemed like after dad went missing the company turned into shambles and got disband. The last time we went there was years ago then it turn out to be the last time I get to see the old troupes.)

(Yeah It's been a ong time since I last been in veludo way.even though I live In Tokyo. So what's the plan?)

(Seems like to repay the debt I have to be the director and assemble a fresh new spring,summer,autumn,winter troupe.
And have to make successful debut shows
Though it seems impossible because in the company we only have one employee.)
Her voice is hoarse she must have been through a lot.

(Can I do anything to help? Since you went back home I did kinda promised you I will continue acting and I did. So I might have a little acting experience so I might be of an help plus I know how to cook besides curry.) She is the curry alien so I cannot beat her in curry.

(I would be  glad if you can help me despite your busy schedule! I really apreciate it! Then I would be bothering you.. Oh! Might as well inform you we have a dorm so if you would like to stay in it it's fine!)

(I'll think about it! So had any luck in finding new members?)

(Fortunately the spring troupe is complete but the overall setup is all amateurs because they were picked up from the streets) way to put it Izumi

(Seems like homeless to me? So did you started rehearsals yet? How about the script?)

(Yeah. We started last week and the script is still being written. You can come here anytime you want!)

( I will go there maybe two days from now. We have a important meeting tomorrow so I can't make it but good luck! I will be there soon! Bye!)

(Always be safe! Bye!!)

I ended the call feeling exhausted I always thought I have a very bright cousin who always get her self on trouble but this trouble is beyond words.
I still have to unpack to not much because this is practically my studio and second office to there might be no problem with leaving for a while.

Time to go to sleep got a whole day a head of me.



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