Am Gaming

242 20 19


Yo hoe hop in the disc server for a second

It had been a couple of days since you had joined the server, yet this was the first time that he had dmed you. You of course talked on the server for a bit, but it was pretty much only the three of you talking in there. You didn't mind it too much though smaller servers were usually better to talk in, in your opinion.

"Hey (Y/N), you good there?" Your friend questioned you out of your slight daze from reading the message.

"Oh sorry, Josuke just got a message from someone."

"Woah are you telling me people other than us message you?"

"Shut." You would have flipped him off if he hadn't been half-way across the world from you at the moment.

"She probably just made that up and didn't want to admit she has a small brain and lost her attention span." Your other 'dear' friend Okuyasu added into the conversation.

"Oku you literally have the most smallest, smoothest brain I've ever met." You sharply reply back to him.

"Wow, I see how it is I am no longer carrying you in this game."

"I don't need your help anyways."

As soon as those words passed through your lips someone sniped you in-game causing you to die.

This caused everyone on the call to laugh. "Yeah suree buddy." Okuyasu breathed out in between his laughs.

"When I go to visit you guys in Japan the first thing I'm doing is beating your ass right there in the middle of the airport." 

You had plans to visit them during the summer once school was off. It'd be your first time meeting them in person, you were a little scared to go since they were from the internet and all, but they are basically your best friends.

"I didn't even do anything!" Ignoring Okuyasu's protests you took the time to reply back to the french man.


Why? Should I be scared?


Noo please i just need to prove something

"(Y/N) cmonn I even resurrected you at least wait till we get home to beat my ass."

"Josuke I didn't realize your lover was so kinky." You put your hand back on your mouse ready to start playing again.

"Woah buddy I would never date anyone as kinky as Okuyasu. I am a pure boy." Josuke replied feigning innocence.

Ludus (Kakyoin Noriaki x Fem!Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora