Connected Flight. Chapter 2

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The rest of the plane ride is really boring.

Good thing I get to get off in a few minutes to switch flights.

See, my mom lives all the way in Rhode Island, while I live in Cali of Ornia.

A few minutes ago, John began telling me all about his girlfriend Mallory.

"Mallory and I have been dating for 8 years now, even through high school, and I swear, we were made for each other!"

I fake a smile and nod. To be honest, I think this is the dumbest story I've ever heard. It's too clique.

"Our Sophomore year in college, she got pregnant, with my child, of course..."

Oh God. I groan. At least he doesn't go into detail...

"And nine months later, she blessed me with our daughter, Sammie.

Guess what! Mallory's pregnant again!"

"Aww, congratulations!" I say, hoping my voice doesn't sound as flat as it feels.

"Yeah. I'm hoping it's a boy. I want a football star in my family..."

He starts going on and on about how he used to be a star wide receiver in high school, and that's how he met Mallory.

Of course, she was a cheerleader.

I just drown him out as much as possible.

Oh no. John Dew has an incoming FaceTime from, guess who! His wonderful girlfriend, Mallory.

She's even more annoying over FaceTime.

She starts talking all mushy and even begins taking off her shirt but John stops her, saying he's sitting right beside a "minor".

At this point, John turns his computer towards me, and Mallory says, "Oh, you don't mind, do you sweetie?"

I just shrug. If I can't have fun, may as well let them.

I try to ignore them, but every once in a while, I can't help but glance at the screen


There goes her bra...

And her pants....

I'd better stop watching now.

John begins moaning and I just squeeze my eyes shut, but I know it's already too late. I'm scarred for life.

"Attention. We will be landing in just a few moments."

Oh Hallelujah! Amen! Thank you Jesus!

I have never been this excited for a plane to land before!

The plane begins landing and, Uh-oh, I start feeling a little rocky.

This isn't gonna end well....

Boy could I have been more wrong!

It ended terribly.

I cover my mouth, but that doesn't work out too well.

Maybe I shouldn't have eaten all those peanuts....

I vomit all over John

At this point he begins yelling at me telling me "this was my favorite shirt." and "kids these days..."

I just kinda ignore it.

Pay back.

**** sorry this one is short but I wanted to post and this seemed like a good place to stop. (;

Bye my lovelies, if anybody's actually reading this!!!!

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