Connected Flight. Chapter 4

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I check my watch. Oh crap! It's already 7:12!

Where am I?

I look up and take in my surroundings. Oh yeah. The Café is right over there.

I speed walk over there and check my watch again.

7:14. I get in line and order 2 hot chocolates and a piece of pumpkin pie.

I sit down at a table for two and wait.

I take a sip of my hot chocolate, then spit it out.

This stuff is burning!!!!

It must be like 400 degrees!

I grab some napkins and wipe up the table, but not fast enough.

"Whoa. What happened here?" Crap. Crap, Crap, Crap!

"The hot chocolate's hot." I say.

He smirks. Typical.

"I thought that was implied."

"I got you one, too. Why don't you take a sip?" I say with a wink.

He laughs.

"Nice try, but my mom told me to never accept hot cocoa from strangers, even if they happen to be very good looking."

Ugh. Does he ever stop?

Honestly, I've always hated guys like him.

Too full of themselves, but he does have a point. I am very good looking!

"I get you there. I am very good looking."

He takes the seat across from me.

"So, Bristol."

"So, Cole." I reply, mocking his tone.

Apparently he finds this amusing because he begins to laugh.

"You seriously think I'm the immature one?" he asks.

"Oh I know you're the immature one." I say, matter of factly.

Somehow, I don't think this is the best conversation...

"So, how long have you been blogging?" he asks me.

Finally a good conversation starter.

"Since my parent's got divorced a few months ago." I say.

I feel a little weird giving out personal information like that, but it just kinda feels right.

For some reason I don't think of him as a pedophile or anything like that.

"Oh that sucks.... Sort of like a therapy?" he actually looks moved a little.

"Yeah I guess. My way of venting." I say.

He just sits there, seemingly searching for words.

"So what about you?" I ask.

"What about me?" He asks. Wow, somebody was in their own little world.

"How long have you been blogging?" I ask.

He thinks for a moment... "I think I was twelve. I'd always liked writing.

At first, I used it as more of a place to publish the stories I wrote, mostly about Pokemon and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Normal little kid stuff." he says. "Eventually, I began putting pictures up with my blogs and tagging them. I began talking about my life. Then one day I posted about my perfect girl. You'd be surprised at how many girls flocked to that post. It was almost like I was a magnet, and they were little pieces of metal attracted to my words. I created a member section and now hundreds of girls have joined and check my site daily."

Wow this is a side of Cole I haven't seen yet.

"Can I, by any chance, still find that perfect girl post?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Be my guest. It already has thousands of views. What's one more?"

I smile.

Reaching into my backpack, I slide out my laptop and log onto

He pulls out a tablet and pulls up his website as well.

"Tell you what. If I find it first, you get to read it, if you find it first I'll write a new one."

I think this through...

Maybe this isn't such a good idea, but I'm curious about his type...

"Deal." I say.

I click on the search bar and type with super speed...

"My perfect girl."

And there it is! I click it and say "Found it!"

But he says it at the same time.

"What now?" I ask.

"I guess you get to read it AND I have to write a new one." he says.

"Get to work." I say and begin reading...

Subject: My Perfect Girl

So, I know I'm only 14, but I think I'm starting to develop a type.

Most guys probably already have a type though...

Anyways here's my type>>>>

1. My perfect girl would have dark hair. I've always thought blonde's were a little light headed...

2. She wouldn't have the same body as every other girl. I like big girls(;

3. She would be outgoing, but not in an obnoxious way.

4. She would make me a sandwich when I ask for one.

5. She would think she's beautiful without makeup (even if she isn't.)

6. I've always had this thing for girls that are normal. Not really "special" in any way, but to me, that's what MAKES them special.

<<<<< That's as far as I've gotten so far. I'll probably update in a few years.

Peace out✌


I click back on his home page and see that he's just posted a new blog.

Subject: My Perfect Girl: Take 2

Hey ladies(;

I'm updating my type, so maybe you'll get lucky and this'll apply to you!

Read on!!! >>>>>

1. My perfect girl would have brunette hair and brown eyes.

2. She'd be a little on the chunky side (this surprisingly hasn't changed!)

3. She would be insecure, but still very sure of herself at the same time.

4. She'd be a blogger like me(;

5. She'd be the prettiest girl I've ever seen. <3

6. She'd be able to get under my skin by saying things that normally I wouldn't care about.

<<<< thats all I know so far....

Peace Out✌


I gasp.

Because what he just described, was me!

******D'awwhh(: I don't really like Cole that much so far, but I'm trying to reform him, I promise! He's a sexy beast(;

Vote comment and fan me please?


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